2.) I'm Sorry - Siren x Female! Beacon! Reader (PART 2)

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- (Y/n)'s Point of View -

"Let me guess: You have to kill me?" I asked.

     "...yeah. But I don't want to, so I'm gonna help you escape." Siren said confidently. Hearing this gave me little hope for living. Though I was still not sure if we'd succeed. It was risky, thinking of any way to escape, having everyone outside waiting for Siren to put an end to me. But trying was a lot better than having my best friend kill me.

"Do you have a plan? Or did you think of this just now?" I asked him, wondering if he actually had a clue to what he was doing.

"You don't have to worry about that, I have a plan!" Siren said excitedly. "I thought of it the second I heard of your capture, it's a well thought out plan if I do say so myself," Siren bragged.

"Well if your so confident, tell me so I can get away." I was running out of patience. If Siren took too long, people would surely become suspicious and check out the dungeon. That would make this a big waste of time and our effort would be for nothing.

     "I'm gonna go outside and stall your death for however long I can. During that time, your going to sneak out of your cell and make your way through the palace. I have the key right here, a friend gave it to me. Since everyone is outside the town entrance to the dungeon, the palace entrance will be free of everyone except guards. There is one guard in particular who is willing to help us, I talked it out with him so he's on our side. Remember Skiff?"

     Hearing that name made memories rush back to me. Skiff, he was the only other person who knew I'd been there. He'd be the one to help me with food problems when Siren wasn't able to. I trusted him, and I still do. But after he left to serve as a royal guard, I haven't seen him since. So it's been 3 years.

"Yeah, I remember him."

"Good. Avoid everyone except him, he's going to let you pass through the quarter he's guarding. We'll figure the rest out when I meet up with you outside. After this plan... we'll never meet again. You'll escape the kingdom and I'll have to stay so people don't get suspicious."

I was never going to see Siren again? All the time we spent together would only be a memory. I'd be on my own, without him by my side. I didn't want that, I wanted him to come with me.

"No, you're going to come with me," I said in a serious tone. My face was shadowed by my hair to show him just how serious I was. There was no way I was just going to leave him.

"There's no way for both of us to escape without one being the distraction, I'm the one taking the role. I could care less if I didn't escape, but if you couldn't, it'd be the biggest regret I'd have to live with." He was also being serious, I could hear it in his voice.

I could tell how much he cared for me as he spoke. Honestly, it made me flustered on the inside and made my cheeks turn a light pink. I turned away so Siren wouldn't notice. After I felt my cheeks turn back to their normal color, I turned back to Siren who was staring at me.

- Siren's Point of View -

"There's no way for both of us to escape without one being the distraction, I'm the one taking the role. I could care less if I didn't escape, but if you couldn't, it'd be the biggest regret I'd have to live with," I said to (y/n). After thinking back to what I just said, I realized how brave I sounded. Along with how much I truly cared for her.

     When I saw her blush, it put me in my own world. I didn't realize I was staring at her until she looked back at me, making me feel embarrassed.

- Third Person Point of View -

     After the awkward silence they shared, looking away from each other, Siren spoke up, "We're going with my plan whether you like it or not. Your escape is our most important goal."

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