"I wish I had one of those," Louis muttered. "That would save me a lot of trouble."

"Anyway," I snapped. "He had dark hair and was in a brown coat and it was really long, only he was wearing a suit under it-"

"That's him!" Louis gasped. "His name is like Victor or something and he tried to take Harry without my permission!"

"How?" I said in bewilderment.

"Okay," Louis admitted, glancing down at the boy who was still snuggled up to him, completely oblivious to what was going on. "So Harry kind of... called him?"

"Harry!" Niall gasped.

"H-Harry is s-sorry," he whined, practically trying to crawl behind Louis.

"It's fine, Kitten," Louis soothed. "Nothing happened so it's okay."

"But H-Harry m-made Louis sad," he whimpered, and I raised my eyebrows in confusion. Louis didn't seem sad...

"I'm not sad now," he assured the younger boy with a kiss on the top of his curly head.

"You were sad?" Niall asked.

"I, uh," Louis scratched at his head. "I saw someone with a brown beanie get into a car. I thought..."

He trailed off, and his gaze fell back on the boy curled against him. I nodded in understanding. He'd thought that Harry had gone with the man, "So this guy really does know now?"

"Yeah," Louis sighed. "He left me a note thanking me and saying he'd give me the 'millions of dollars' once he made it through Harry."

I shuddered at the thought. Harry would no doubt become a freakish science experiment, and if this Victor man knew that Harry existed... then he probably figured Niall existed, too. Niall'd been taken from me once, and that was only for about a day and a half. There was no way I'd be able to go through that again. Especially if I never got him back. I grabbed at Niall frantically until he was crushed against my chest and trying to squirm away in confusion, "What do we do?"

"We go to my mum's," he responded, sliding his arms underneath Harry and standing with the boy in his arms.

"Has... your mum even met Harry?" I asked.

"One step at a time," Louis called as he carried Harry down the hall.

I turned my attention to Niall, who was limp in my tight embrace and pouting. Niall was a cuddler, but only if he wanted to cuddle. He wasn't very fond if cuddles were forced onto him. I sighed, "Turn that frown upside down."

"You bent my tail," Niall whined.

"I'm sorry," I snuck a peck on his lips. "You want to go visit Lou's mum?"

Niall brightened, "It has been awhile since I last saw Jay and the girls..."

"We can't keep the girls up late playing Wii games though," I reminded him. "They've got school."

"Why do people go to school if you could just teach them things," Niall rolled his eyes.

My brow furrowed at his question, "I went to school..."

"So they go to school to be smart like you?" Niall asked. Alright, so maybe he still had some of his innocence.

"They go to school to be smarter," I told him.

"I don't think that's possible," Niall shook his head in disbelief. "My Liam is the smartest of them all."

Niall jumped topics, "But... if we go with them, I have to constantly have my tail taped and my beanie on."

Uniquely Perfect - Larry Stylinson AU Kitten!Harry (with a bit of Niam) {Book1}Where stories live. Discover now