Sukuna breathed out heavily as his eyes were still looking off at a distance. He was just silent. It's like he's collecting his deep thoughts before expressing how he felt inside his chest. "Am... Am I really going to experience true happiness once I'm reborn? I have many doubts lingering in my head about what if Noz—Emiyo doesn't remember me?What if I don't remember her at all? What if fate tricks us again—"

I couldn't believe he was overthinking at a time like this. Before he was perfectly fine with fighting for my daughter's love regardless of what happens in the future. Nonetheless, I guess it's scary now that the time has come to face reality.

"You're overthinking it," I lightly hit his shoulder and then tucked my hand into my pocket to warm them up. "If your will is strong, I know you'll be just fine. Like I told you before, I won't stand in the way of Emiyo's life. I'm not going to be like my clan." If I have suffered for my whole life, why would I want to put my children through the same shit? It'd be mean of me to put it on them. I just want to give them the life I couldn't have being locked inside the house for 18 years.

"Am I really?"

"Yes, you are." I chuckled, hitting him again so he could snap out of it. "You will be just fine! Now why don't we discuss this inside? I don't want to freeze in the cold!"

After talking to Sukuna about his exorcism, Sukuna and I were walking to the lounge room where Gojo wanted to meet with him.

Sukuna wanted to be exorcised in three days from now. He wishes to spend his time with Naozumi and Emiyo before he leaves for his next life. I couldn't really object either because I know Naozumi will miss Sukuna. He has impacted our lives so seeing him leave will put a hole in his growing heart. I can't really say whether Naozumi will remember Sukuna when he's older or not, but I won't be surprised if he doesn't. My child loves him a lot to the point where he calls him 'grandpa' and there's no turning back from that.

Once I opened the door, we were met with confetti being shot in our faces. I flinched from the sudden noise and shock. I wasn't prepared for this whereas Sukuna wasn't fazed by it.

"Surprise!!!" Gojo cheered, skipping over to us and swiftly taking me away from Sukuna. He still has the habit of snatching me away when Sukuna's present. It's oddly weird because Sukuna has no intention of stealing me anymore, yet Gojo has to be all defensive about it.

"W-what's all this about?" There was a cake on a table, streamers and balloons everywhere. It looked like a birthday party, but it wasn't anyone's birthday. Me and Gojo already had ours. "Maki's birthday is on the 20th... It's not the 20th just yet." I knew all of the students' birthdays by heart, so what in the world was he doing if it's too early to celebrate it?

Gojo laughed with his chest puffing out. It seemed like he was enjoying my changing facial expression. I don't understand how this was entertaining. I see it as stressful. "No! Actually it's to celebrate Sukuna's death day!!"


I hit Gojo across the head as he winced in pain.

This was the dumbest shit I ever heard coming from his mouth. He's so petty that he has to celebrate it?! That's so wrong. "You got a lot of nerves decorating this room just to throw him this trifling 'celebration'." I crossed my arms and glared at him. Gojo could be doing other things than messing with Sukuna. "I know you didn't throw Yuji or Yuta any execution party, so why do it with Sukuna?"

Gojo pouted like a kid with his hands on his hips. He looked so disappointed but what's new? He knows how I am; I'm more rational and mature. "Babe, you're no funnnnnn...!"

"We're 29. How much younger are you trying to act?"

"Thank you, father-in-law."

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