Andre blinked at his father. Half expecting the floor to crumble and the fires of hell to erupt. Yet no Lucious evil came. He was just being genuine. It was kind of off putting, but this was what he wanted. Right?

"Dre I'm hard on you cause that's what I know man. I've known nothing else. When I say me and ya mama raised ourselves. I mean it man. All we knew was tough times. Pick yourself up no matter how beaten, rough it out, survive. Cookie was good at all that deep shit. Good at translating my actions into words for you boys. When ya mama left I didn't gave that bridge anymore. Then got lite and the fame and fortune. Half ass parenting yall didn't need already down one. In all of that I've never not been proud of you Dre. I obviously didn't say it enough amongst other things while you were growing up. You've accomplished alot, that's a dream. College and degrees.....shit a high school drug dealing barely scraping it teen father couldn't reach. I may not just flat out....I dont know be what affectionate and uplifting most times but I do value your life Dre." Lucious finished, letting that hang in the air.

"Then why....why the fight here?"

"Empire is my soul outside of my body Dre. Two teens dreamed this u in a shitty motel eating cups of noodles. I built it, I ran it, I put it first. I love Empire with everything in me. She's nothing to play with Dre. She takes a hell of a lot of work and not all of it is clean. You say you want her but are you ready? Really ready? You got a baby on the way. Look at how yall grew up. You're better than I am, you'll know how to navigate better but it's still consuming. The pressure of being on a throne is that there isskesys someone after the crown Dre. Not every enemy is someone you know. Hell half the people I've had to fuck up over this company I didn't know from a street corner. I'm not sure you get it. And because I doubt you understand the seriousness I can give you the keys." Lucious spoke, nothing but utter seriousness in his voice.

"I get it. I'm ready to do what I have to to keep Empire prospering." Andre declared, Lucious stared at Dre uncertain.

"I dont know. I'll think about it. I been running this company te6o decades. It's not easy to walk away." Lucious spoke, reading the conversation. Andre sighed conceding. He'd gotten alot out of Lucious. More than he that possible. Pulling himself together Andre nodded. Getting up to exit he paused.

"Love you pop."

"... Love you too Dre." Came a short gruff reply, Andre continued out the door a weight off his shoulders. Lucious sighed leaning back in his seat.

"Ya mama set me up." Lucious muttered, looking down at Prince. If was no coincidence he was left to daddy duty and Dre suddenly pops up. He was gone kick her ass later but like always she had the right intentions. If was effective he didnt lose his head and rip Dre's heart out so mission accomplished.

Late that night...

Cookie frowned staring at her side of the closet. Looking for something else to do. She had already color organized her shoes, as well as her clothes. Even her purses organized. All jewelry was cleaned and shiny. Lucious suits organized by color. Her slight manic bout of cleaning leaving her still unsatisfied. She huffed exiting the closet. Mentally talking herself out of trashing it to appease her stress.

Nothing else go capture her attention. Prince asleep for the night. Rose passed out as well. Lucious tangled in a layer might studio session. She was alone with nothing but her thoughts and lately that had been a bad thing. Opening her phone the text message thread better her and Carol popping up. Revealing the last thing thing she was on when it slept. Her mouth twisting in a deeper frown as she re-read the conversation.

Carol: She said and I quote for us to "Mind our damn businesses."

Cookie: Hardly an explanation for the bruise you saw

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