Heading up to the office Andre let out a deep breath. He wasn't backing down on this. The world was evolving and Empire needed to as well. How were they going to reach billion dollar company if they didn't put in the work. Stepping in the office he watched his father's face twist. Sighing Andre shut the doors ready go open this can of worms up.

"Andre..." Lucious warned, ignoring it Dre took a seat in front of his desk.

"Its a good idea pops. Think about it. Music is about more than the artist. It's about a trend. We need to capitalize on the trends." Dre started.

"Its no just trends and numbers. You are not an artist. You dont know what that's like. It's a passion it's not some bullshit science!" Lucious snapped, Rose looked up at him with a frown. He pursed his lips plucking her off his lap.

"Go sit on the couch. Get out my mouth."

"So that's what this is about again? I'm not musically inclined so I'm not a worthy son right. Because I like numbers more than notes I'm a disappointment right?" Andre spat, Lucious looked at him cross. Where was this sensitive shit coming from. Jamal had already lit fire in his ass. Was it Andre's turn to crack open issues?

"Nobody said that shit."

"You dont have to. I see it so clear. You dot on Keem and hes the most fucked up of of all us. Hell I'm sure Jamal's gay ass is ahead of me just because he does music. Me being me has never been enough for you. No matter what I do. How hard i try to show you I'm worthy...you dont care. You never have cared." Dre continued, Lucious scowled adjusting Prince as he fell asleep.

"I cant trust you Andre!"

"I apologized!"

"YOU TRIED TO KILL ME!" Lucious roared, startling the child in his arms. He calmed reigning it in.

" I regret it every single day. For you, for what could of happened with mom. I'm sorry I can tell you that every. I was sick pops." Andre voiced, his eyes shinning in sincerity.

"Are sick." Lucious corrected.

"Was sick! That's something I cant change."

"Nor can you handle." Lu coldly tossed. Andre's shoulders sagged as he stared at his father.

"What do I need to do? How can I prove to you? All I've ever wanted is to prove to you....that I'm a good kid....worthy of our name. I wanted to be just like you...but I dont love music the way you and Nal or even Keem did. So if I couldn't be you that way, I wanted to be smart like you. So I went to college, got scholarships, graduated top of my classes. It still didn't feel right because it wasnt street smarts too...." Andre droned on, Lucious listened to one of his sons for the second time recently. Holding in his comments and defenses.

"I was always competing with the boys because they had your favor. And you didn't help yhst pops. And then I was diagnosed and it hurt to see the gaurded way you looked at me after that....still look at me. I kind of get it now you know......with grandma and you. Then I pulled some shit like it. Thsts eats me pops. I swear it does. I'm sorry." Andre voiced, utter vulnerability in his eyes.

Lucious fought down the dark side of him saying latch on to that pain. That weakness and tear into to show Dre being soft wasnt going to get you anywhere. He forced it down hard. He wasn't Dre's enemy. This was just father and son. Sighing Lucious looked down at Prince. He owed into this little boy to be a better parent and in doing that he needed to be s better father to his grown boys. You couldn't get time back but the future was always changing.

"I'm proud of you Andre." Lucious stated, Dre blinked feeling that statement hit him like a wrecking ball. It was genuine no venom.

"You're right. I've always focused on making you boys clones of me. Spreading at your individuality, ignoring it, and forcing it out. I thought it would make you boys elite. You could handle the tough shit. It never registered that there could only be one me. That all the shiy I went to was specific you know. So for that I'm sorry..."

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