Meeting Them

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6 years ago.

I could barely breathe, my breath was heavy, my heart was pounding against my chest, all I could feel was dead. Genuine fear. I was running for my life, I didn't look back around, I knew what was going on, I knew what was coming after me, and I didn't want to stay and find out what they were going to do to me. No thank you. I could feel the fear filled tears welling up in my eyes, I was so scared, I could feel myself shaking, but I didn't stop running. I knew I couldn't afford to stop running. They were after me, they were coming for me, I was afraid they were going to kill me, and I wasn't ready to die today.

I didn't stop running, I couldn't, I just couldn't. Do you ever get that feeling of genuine fear and dread when you know something is gonna happen? That something is following you, well I do. Because someone's after me right now! I didn't want them to catch me, I knew what would happen if they caught me. They would kill me, and I would die, and I didn't want to die on the cold hard ground, because I knew no one would care I died. But I do, and that's why I kept on running. I didn't want to die today, not today, when I haven't even met them yet. Honestly I was scared out of my mind. I mean I was lost, I was cold and wet, nobody cared that I was out this late. April and Aunty locked me out of the apartment, not wanting me to be in the apartment with them. They honestly didn't care if I died or not. I was alone in this fight. I was alone in the world. It was only me, myself and I.

I missed my dad so much. He was the only one that understood me, the only one that would patch me up after a fight at school or being cornered after school. He would have never let them do this to me. But he's gone and everyone blames me for his death. It's not fair. I didn't do anything wrong. I tried to save him. I tried to, but it didn't work. I have burns to prove it. And I was a kid, I was only a kid, how was I supposed to save him when I was just a kid. I was barely able to get out of there myself. But I guess every time they look me in the eye, it's all too much for them. I have the same eyes as my father, so you can see where that got me. My brown eyes remind them of my father and that's why they hate me. Or that's what their excuses are. I've always been pushed aside, always, at home with my sister, even at school with the other kids. My mother died when I was just a baby, so I didn't really know her either.

Run, run, run, don't look back, because if I did, I would be caught and they would do unspeakable things to me before they kill me. Because that's how they do things around here, they do anything to anyone, because they think they're untouchable.

The Purple Dragons.

They terrorize everyone, they don't care who you are, If they wanted to mess with you, they would and today I was the victim. Why is it always me? Why couldn't I just be loved? Why do people hate me for things I've never done? Why can't people just leave me alone like they normally do? Why can't I be a complete shadow? Why can't I just disappear? It would be better if I did just disappear, no one would miss me. I had no one looking out for me, I didn't have a mom or dad, I didn't even have a sister, I was orphan. I was alone. Because people take one look at me and they deem me not good enough. They hate me from the first glance, I don't want to be hated, I don't want to be beat, I don't want to be everyone's laughing stock. I tried to love instead of hate, but it's so hard, I don't hate nobody, because what would be the point? If I hated everyone I came across, then that would make me just as bad as them, and I don't want to be like them. I just steer clear of people. Because I know they don't like to see me or look at me. Why couldn't I have died in that fire with my dad? Or maybe it could've only been me, nobody needs me, no has ever needed me. My dad was the best, everyone loved him, and he was taken too soon. And I was left alone to the lions.

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