"You say it like it's a bad thing" Tetsuro narrowed her eyes.

Ishida ignored the glare "Would you even want to leave?"

"No!" The girl snapped instantly. Her eyes blazed like polished gunmetal, a kaleidoscope of anger, fear, but mostly masked confusion. Why would Ishida ask such a loaded question? Such a dangerous question to someone who could end her life with a simple whisper in her fathers ear?

"Father said it's dangerous outside, he said that the shamans and curses would want to kill me simply for being born." The girl growled "Said the Mori clan would have me martyred as the daughter of a traitor while they're the true villains hiding in sheep's clothing"

The guardian nodded along, lips gradually pulling down into a sneer "Did he now"

"Yes!" Tetsuro snapped as she sprang to her feet in a fit of sudden white hot anger "They're the ones who took his eye after all, simply for being different! For wanting more! He says his family were monsters."

"That's sad." Ishidas sympathy outweighed her suspicion for the barest of moments. She didn't know much of her Lord, he was a private man, but he had been happy to tell stories to his followers when they simply asked. Though he had always been quiet about his family.

Tetsuro dropped back down and hugged her legs tightly "That's the jujutsu world apparently. Their way or nothing."

It was silent between the pair for a moment, another breeze making the wind chimes above them sing. The shoji doors behind them slid open before the familiar red haired maid stepped through onto the engawa behind them. She bowed deeply to Tetsuro, grey yukata swaying slightly, before placing the tray she held down between the pair. Glasses of iced water as well as steamed dumpling rested on the plate for them. The redhead retreated back inside before either of them could thank her.

Ishida sipped her water "I kind of miss my family."

"What were they like?" The question was instant, the girls eyes fixed on the guardian.

"My mom was a nurse, she was nice but she was strict. It annoyed me most of the time but I know she meant well, just wanted the best for me." The brunette instantly began to regale the girl with the thoughts she had kept hidden from others as a soft smile overtook her features "I miss my dad the most though. When I told him I wanted to go to college he started crying. He never got to go. He was so proud. He was even prouder when I told him I wanted to got to film school, he was happy I was following what I loved"

"They sound nice" the black haired girl grinned "any siblings?"

"Nope! Only child, like you"

A thought suddenly sprang to mind that made the bliss of learning a tad more sour "Why'd you join us if you had a life planned out?"

Ishida flinched.

"I-" the normally cheerful woman drew back in on herself for a moment before giving a small smile to the younger girl "sometimes, thing just don't work out. It was too expensive, the debt caught up, we-I-! It was all a mess"

"I'm sorry" Was the only thing Tetsuro could whisper out before slowly placing her hand on Ishidas back to rub comforting circles on it like her father had done for her many time before. Ishida jumped slightly, surprised at the touch, before smiling at the girl.

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