"What about you? What would you do?"

"Journalist" she answered "But I would write crude and realistic articles about real issues, you know?"

"Poverty? Racism? Discrimination?" James tried

"Bad politics, the reality in social groups, misogyny, stupid men in power..."


"I guess you're okay..."


"Maybe a little bit more than okay"

James' heart began beating fast. He made exciting noises out of the phone.

"Oh honey, you're making me blush" he tried to say confidently, although he was dying.

"You take compliments so easily" Lily tutted

James was so in love with this girl, it wasn't even a joke. Why did she have to be so perfect? James needed to tell her. Maybe she would like him back... Maybe she would laugh in his face, or through the phone. But James had hope. Perhaps they needed to go on a date first. Lily was a romantic girl after all. Lily deserve the romance she never had with that asshole of Snape.

"I might have a new song... It's on drafts but..."

"New song?" James gasped "As your number one fan I need to listen to it"

Lily laughed "Is not ready..."

"Well, how is it called then?"

Lily took her time to respond. James pictured her biting her lip embarrassed.

"Well?" he tried

"London boy..."

Oh, Fucking Tossers. James Potter melted right there. This was meant to be. They would get married and have tons of gorgeous babies who would sing too. They would be the best fucking adorable couple in the word.



"Is perhaps... you know. That song about me?"

Please say yes. Please say yes. Please say yes.

"I currently know 5 boys who are from London..." Lily replied "So die of curiosity"

"Lil..." he sighed "Oh Lils, Lils, Lils..."

"James, James, James..." Lily joked

"I want to take you out baby..."


"Sorry I was trying to sound confident"

Lily laughed

"Are you asking me on a date?" she asked


But before, he could continue, someone took the phone off his hand. Sirius.

"What the...

James had been so concentrated in talking with Lily that he didn't notice the three boys coming into the room. They were in Florence now. The last city in Europe. And they would be back to America. James had been hoping to bump into Lily in L.A where she lived. She had finished her video shooting two days ago and was back there.

"Hello ginger" Sirius said to the phone "James literally fancies you so much..."


"He would want to be your husband.... And have your babies..."


James tried grabbing the phone but Sirius didn't let him. He passed it to Remus. These two assholes had been stupidly cheesy and inseparable since they became boyfriends in Venice.

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