Chapter 1

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Sophie's POV:

"Ouch!" She had just falled God knows how many feet from the sky, and that was all she had to say.

Nothing else needed to be said, no cuts, no bruises, no aches or pains, nothing!

Sophie got up, out of the pool of crystal water she had landed in, and found she was perfectly dry. The scene she arose to was overwhelming, two castles, one dark, with a storm cloud forming over head and a swamp like river surrounding, one light, with clear skies above and a crystal blue river surrounding. The two rivers collided in the centre, meeting in a deep ridge, but neither spilled it's contents into the other side, as if a barrier were keeping them apart. She had landed on the light side, it didn't take much effort to identify this was the good castle.

Beautiful girls surrounded her, none sparing her a second glance, they all looked so flawless, like someone took a doll and put it in the real world for each of them.

"No! No, Ophelia this isn't ok! Fitzy is gone!"
"B calm down! He'll be with the rest of the ever boys."
"But he was separated from me on the flowerground!" The girl, 'B', started hyperventilating, and Sophie rushed over, "hey, hey, look its ok. We'll find your..." The girl looked up, "My brother, my older brother Fitz."
"Ok, we'll find your older brother."
The girl, Ophelia, looked at Sophie, "you must be from Woods Beyond, I'll explain: Fitz will be with the everboys, getting ready for the welcoming ceremony. Biana here is just overreacting."
"No! Ophelia stop saying that! He was taken the wrong way!" The girl named Biana cried, Ophelia gasped, "you mean, the other school?" The three girls turned towards the evil castle, and Biana started round two of 'hyperventilate until you pass out'. Ophelia let go of Biana and paled, leaving Sophie to keep her steady, "Your brother, heir to Jaunt Jolie's throne, was taken to the school for evil?" Ophelia squeaked. "Ok, deep breaths, I'm not sure exactly what is going on but you need to calm down. I'll help you figure this out." Sophie soothed, the word 'heir' and 'throne' had stuck with her though.

Eventually Biana calmed down, and clasped Sophie's outstretched hand. "Thank you, err... I'm sorry, I don't know your name. This isn't a good first impression is it? Oh God." Biana looked away, "it's ok, I'm Sophie Foster, I take it you are Biana, as your friend said?" Biana nodded, "yeah, although she isn't really my friend." Biana's voice chilled as she looked at Ophelia, who had already left to gossip with some other girls. "Well, in that case, I can be your friend Biana." Biana smiled, "thank you, I would love that."

Fairies herded the evergirls inside the castle, and Sophie stayed with Biana the whole time - her first friend here. They got their schedules and their room numbers from fairies as they went in. "Sophie! We are in the same room!" Biana hopped up and down, seemingly a lot happier than she was 5 minutes ago. "That's great! I wonder who the other girl is..."

The trip up to their dorm, 51 Purity Tower, was a relatively painless one. Sophie kept Biana distracted, so she wouldn't think about her brother, and it worked, sort of. "I'm sure you are wondering what exactly all the fuss outside was, if you truly are from Woods Beyond." Sophie nodded, "but its ok." Biana shook her head, "my brother and I are the children of King Alden and Queen Della of Jaunt Jolie. My older brother, Alvar, was supposed to go to the schools many years ago, but he ran away to join some... Organisation, if you could believe. Now Fitz, my other older brother, is in line for the throne, but if he has gone to the school for evil then..." Biana trailed off. "Well, it complicates matters, shall we say."

"Wow, it must be hard. Your brother running away, now Fitz, it must be difficult for you and your family. And... I've been trying not to focus on this, but... King Alden? Queen Della?" Biana gave a tiny smile, "yeah, we're Royals, shock horror." Sophie dipped her head, "sorry, I know I shouldn't be focusing on that." Biana sighed, "no no, it's fine, can't blame you for being surprised. You are from Woods Beyond."

Sge/Kotlc crossover auKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat