Chapter 2

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"Yeah! Your bear is stupid!" My brothers laugh. 

"He doesn't like mean people, you make him very angry. He hates you" I say, lifting his head. 

"Does he like us?" My sisters ask. 

"He doesn't know you well," I answered. 

"If he did he would love us more anyways." Kathleen chuckles. 

"No he wouldn't, he loves me not you. Go get a boyfriend so you can leave my love alone," I state. 

"Kunnie" Kathleen calls him and his cup explodes, scaring us all. 

"Don't call him that, you must've made him angry" I tell her. 

"She has an odd effect on him" I hear papa whisper. 

"Kunnie, don't be angry please." I kiss his cheek. It was soon time to leave for my playdate. "Bye bye Kunnie, I will see you later. I miss you, Love you kunnie." I cover him with the blanket and give him cookies. 

I went to my playdate playing with the boy named Donatello and he had a teddy too. He kept mushing his teddy's head in the dirt. 

"What's his name?" I ask. 

"Johnny," he answers. He shoved the teddy’s head in the dirt again.

"Stop it!" I pushed him to help Johnny the teddy bear. 

"Fine!" he throws his toy at me and I cover Johnny. 

"Hi Johnny, my best friend's name is Kun, do you know him?" I ask and his head falls. I wipe the mud off. "I'm sorry you got hurt. Kun and I play in the mud, but not like that," I chuckle. Donatello pushed me in the mud stealing Johnny, then he turned with a sinister grin and rubbed mud on my face. 

"Nanny!" I cry for her. She runs over to pick me up. 

"This playdate is over." she says sternly. 

"Bye Johnny" I wave sadly. 

Nanny takes me to my bathroom sitting me on the toilet getting me clothes. I hug my stuffed bear to my chest. "Kunnie I had a bad day, I met Johnny though he was being a jerk." I stuck my head out to talk to kunnie. The cookies fly across the room. 

"What was that?" Nanny freaks. "Sorry nanny" I apologize while cleaning it up. I get my bath then lay in bed.

"How was your day Kunnie?" I ask. His head drooped downward; he had a sad day without me. I frowned and cuddled him. "Goodnight Kunnie. I love you."

I woke up and my tummy hurt. I stood and suddenly threw up. And I had to cough a lot. 

Mommy came in and screamed. "Why would you throw up on the floor! Elena!". Nanny came in and picked me up as bubu cleaned the mess. Nanny gave me a bath then set me in bed with Kunnie. She brought me soup and tea to make my tummy better. 

I take a nap and wake up seeing Kunnie looking for something. "Kunnie, am I dreaming?" I ask, rubbing my eyes. 

"Go to sleep Ivy, you need your rest to be all better." he smiles. 

"I love you." I hold my hand out for him. 

"I love you too." he hugs me.

I woke up from my dream and Kun was right where I had left him. I get my uniform then change in the bathroom for school. 

"I have to go to school Kunnie, you will come for the ride and Nanny will put you back." I smile carrying him to breakfast. We eat then get in the limo for school. I was the last to be dropped off with 2 of my brothers. "Bye bye Kunnie I will learn lots" I smile leaving.

I go into school sitting in my seat, nobody talks to me. Soon it was lunch and I sat alone, until a girl came over, but she dumps her drink and food over my head. I put my head on the table crying, I leave the office calling my mom to tell her to pick me up. She got here soon and I got in trouble for dirtying my hair and uniform. 

I sit on my bed with Kun, "I don't want to talk about it" I frown. "I made you a bracelet in Art. One for me too" I place it on him.

I go shower then lay down too sad to talk about my day.

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