Tiny blue eggs

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Her alarm blares in the early hours of morning, before the sun awakes. The glaring sound fills her ears, abruptly returning her to consciousness. She lifts her head from the pillow to see the time and groans. She contemplates going back to bed and decides against it. But it's so soft and warm under the covers, says a little voice in her head. She gingerly removes her blanket and freezing air rushes in. She gets up and stretches, then makes her bed. She gets dressed in the slowly ebbing darkness and then pauses. She looks out her window and sees a perfect little nest that appeared overnight. Beneath the mother bird, she glimpses several eggs, all a brilliant shade of blue. The image of tiny blue eggs remains with her all day, encouraging her to see the goodness that surrounds her.

Mother seeing baby for first time, sheer love perfect angelic, but best of all is bc its hers

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