I'm sorry, I'm going

Comenzar desde el principio

Mumbling alone while finishing my photobook titled, "Hyunie Minnie Love Story". I put some sticker and with one last touch, done.

Its perfectly finished.

"Klik,klik" I can hear someone entering the room. Its Lee Know hyung.

"Oh, Hi hyung." I greet him.

He accept it with a smile. "Did you have anything to do tomorrow?"

My smile faded, "I uh..." Hesitates to answer.

"Tomorrow, We've planned to go to the beach. Well, a bit of promotion but after that we're going to have fun. I cant wait." His excited face is really cute. I will miss that expression everyday.

Will they be happy tomorrow after realizing my absence? Will Seungmin..-

"Hwang Hyunjin, I'm talking to you!" Lee Know hyung drag me out from my thought.

"What did you guys talking about?" Seungmin came and sit with me. I rushed hid the photobook I made under my pillow.

"About tomorrow's planned but your very lovely boyfriend dont even give his attention to what I say." Lee Know hyung pouts, sulking.

Seungmin and me looking at each other. We both think Lee Know hyung is so cute.

I make wave with my brows signalling him and he understands. We both jump onto Lee Know.

"Yahhh!!!!" He screamed. Lee Know dont like skinship, only Han can do this to him. But we're roomates, so we can do everything to him. Only for tonight.


"Imagine, if Han did not coming in." Seungmin said remembering how Han save Lee Know from us few minutes ago.

I chuckles. "He might be one of your pancakes." We both laughing while cuddling with each other while lying on a bed.

After that, minnie play with my lips.

"Miss it?" I teased him. He look startled and stop touching it. This time he just leans his whole body with me.

I play with his hair.

"Hyunie..." He call me with his cute voice.

I hummed, still playing with his hair when our eyes was drown into each others.

"Are you okay? You dont talk much today. What's troubling you? Mind to share with me?" His soft and loving voice asking me while fondly looking at me.

I shake my head. Smiling for him. "Nothing, just wanna be with you. Thats all." I pull him closer. Now his face was near my chest and my hands is on his back while his arms are wrapping around my waist.

Soft night.

"If something happened to me, just take care okay. Dont get hurt and dont cry." I said. No, but why my voice suddenly trembling? He might think I was about to cry.

Seungmin immidietly loosen our hug and stare at me. "What do you mean by that? Something's going to happen to you? Tell me what?" I can see his eyes full of concerned and worries. Worry about me.

"No,baby. Dont worry. I just said that because you know we never know until when we will stay together like this. Hugging like this. You,me and the moon embracing each other. Keep each other warm. I really hope things stay like this forever."

"Same goes to me. But hey, it will! We're gonna stay like this to the very end of our live. Until our blood wont running anymore. Understand?" Seungmin cupped my face.

I just smiled at him. My baby Seungmin. My pure innocent puppy, I will hold your love with me forever.


I hummed.

"You're always drive me crazy."

I widened my eyes after hearing his bold words. "Me? What about you? You dont even mind being so cute while killing me inside out. Huh?" I replied.

We laughed.

"But.. at some point when I lost track, you once again keep me sane. I love you, Hyunie." His eyes starts to tearing up.

Me too. I felt like crying now. The vibe makes me feel so. "No matter how much you love me, I'll be able to love you more." I said.

He pulls my face close to him and our lips meet. He leads the kiss this time, with a slow pace. Gentle and tender.

I gently stroke his hair down, closing my eyes. Our lips still battling each other. We pulls out and falls in each other embraced.

"Goodnight, Minnie."

"Goodnight, Hyunie. Dont leave me, I love you."

"I wont. I love you too, baby." I know I'm lying but I had to.

After a few minutes Seungmin finally falls asleep into my arms.

I brushed his hair, making him comfortable. Seungmin, when you wake up tomorrow, please live your day. Even though I'm not with you. Always remember, I love you more than you.

For about 30 minutes we stay like this. I'm pretty sure this is the right time for me to leave. I got up and saw Lee Know hyung also sleeping soundly behind his curtain.

I smiled at him for the last time. Couldnt wait any longer, or I might end up changing my mind.

As planned, I put my hand made photobook beside Seungmin in hope this was the first thing he saw tomorrow.

Before I leave, I stare at Seungmin. That beautiful eyes, soft lips and attractive body. All of that, I'm going to miss all of that like crazy. I kiss his forehead and whisper,"Goodbye, baby. Take care."

..............and I leave.

"I'm sorry, minnie. I need to go."

(My grammar is bad, sorry!! But did you enjoy this book? Or it might be too boring because I dont know how to express my ideas yet. Sorry.)

Seungjin: Hold Me TightlyDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora