„Hm? As I said, my family, including myself, thought about Karasuno. But the final decision was up to my parents. Besides – I made a promise to two childhood friends that I would come back for high-school. That took everything out of Miyagi from the list. I could've chosen Seijoh or Shiratorizawa, but I have my happiest memories at Karasuno. And it's just a little school where no-one knows me. A fresh start," you smile sadly at the memories.

She must've been trough a lot. I-I want to help her... Suga [Sorry, if it's kind of SugawaraXReader right now. I promise others will come too at some point.] thought while looking at you.

„And so far it seems I made the right choice. You guys are cool," you send them a close-eyed smile. Noya and Tanaka almost faint at the sight.

You hear a caw from your shoulder. „You too, Buddy, you too." You pet the crow happily.

Daichi overcomes the surprise – seems like they didn't see Buddy before – first.

„Is that the same crow from lunch?" he asks.

You smile at him. „Yes. Yes it is. He just came on my shoulder when I started walking to the gate. So I decided to keep him. For company."

You stop before your gate. „Well I must go soon."

Daichi eyed the house. It was dark.

„Company? Do you live alone? If you don't mind me asking where is your family?" he asked.

„Hm? Yea, I live alone right now. Tenma is at Hyogo for university [We will need his university there for plotline reasons.] and as I said – I came back for high-school. My parents are in Tokyo."

„Back? Did you live here before? Is there someone to look after you?" Suga worries.

„Yea. Tenma went to high-school and I lived here on weekends. Sometimes mom and dad would come too. And don't worry. I'm good by myself, though mom and dad give me monthly money for stuff. They pay the checks themselves. And I visit them every other weekend."

„That's good then. If you ever need anything, you can tell us," Suga insists.

„Tha-," you start, but Hinata cuts you off.


You chuckle. „Yes, it does. I have seen the Tokyo tower," your smile turned into a frown, „But you guys should probably get going, your parents will be worried."

„Wait, Y/n!" Suga says.

„Hm?" you question.

„Can I- Can I have your number?"

'Aaah's and 'oooh's and one 'traitor!' were heard in the background.

„To put you in the Karasuno groupchat," Suga explained with an emberassed pink tint on the cheeks.

„Sure," you agreed and you switched numbers.

„But you should really go now," you said sadly.

The boys nod a bit reluctantly and turn around, saying their goodbyes and you wave at them until they are out of sight.

~With the boys~

„I didn't get time to ask about the serve," Suga mutters to himself.

~With you~

Did I say too much? Nah, they seem like good people.

You head inside and go to your room. Yes, the house was one-storey, but you had still managed to get the best bedroom in the house. The ceiling of the house was pretty far so that made your choice even better. Your room had one of those in-door balcony things. So it was basically like your room had two floors. And the best part of it – you had a ceiling window.

Tiny Giant's Little Sister [Haikyuu X Female Reader] /DISCONTINUED/Where stories live. Discover now