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Author's Note: 

A big congratulations to JadedElegance for getting 1st place! I am proud to have 2nd place because both pieces were fantastic and I don't know if I would have been able to pick one as better than the other. Her character, Eleni, definitely deserves to find the treasure. I've added this Epilogue so you all can see what happens to Mateo at the end of his adventure.


Oxygen rushes into my lungs as my body remembers how to breathe. I'm finally through that wretched forest. I take a mental note that I will go around those woods on my way back. I don't care it doubles my travel time. I'm not experiencing that utter hopelessness again. 

I pull out the map to verify my directions and a new surge of hope pumps through my veins. I'm almost there! Now I just need to find something that looks like a line of small triangles. More houses? Grass? Mountains? I'll need to speak with Tephin when I find him. We need to work on his cartography skills. 

I put the map back in my bag and start heading in the right direction. Visions of what lies at the finish line start running through my head. Treasures vast enough to get everyone out of poverty or food plentiful enough to feed everyone for life. The thought fills me with adrenaline and I increase my pace. My feet push firmly into the ground, carrying me forward in a determined sprint. 

I run for a few hours, taking breaks every now and then to catch my breath. At the full fade into the orange sun, I start to hear it. The sound is faint at first, sounding no more than a gentle breeze. As I continue forward, the sound increases to a murmur and finally to a roar. 

I stop atop a hill and gaze in wonder at the sight before me. 

Shimmering blue stretches as far as the eye can see, seemingly joining with the sky off in the distance, which adds even more blue shade. The reflection of the sun distorts and twists as the water ebbs and flows. Pockets of white bubbles form on the surface as the water stretches a hand toward the sky, only to curve upon itself in a wave that crashes onto a black sandy beach. 

I smile to myself as I realize that the triangles were meant to represent waves. Tephin's map led me to the ocean. I've never been before. It's beautiful. 

I shift my gaze to study the beach. This is the last place on the map. I have no more directions and I don't know what I'm looking for. 

Right away, I see an odd sight. A house that's...floating in the water? 

I start making my way toward the anomaly. I have seen magic accomplish many amazing things, but this is beyond anything I have ever seen. The amount of energy it would take to keep the house afloat just for a day is more than my entire magic reserve. 

The pieces finally fit together in my mind as I get close enough to see that the house is being supported by large wooden beams. I suppose I should have suspected that. I haven't been able to use my magic for a couple of days now. It's like this part of the world blocks connection to The Pool. 

Out of curiosity, I extend a hand toward the water lapping at my feet. To my pleasant surprise, I can feel my magic flowing through me. With this sensation, I feel whole again. It feels like I've gone through this adventure with a missing limb and it has finally been restored! 

In my excitement, I reach toward the water with my magic. The energy drips from my fingers and mixes with the liquid, becoming one. I clench my fist and thrust it above my head. The water obeys my command, shooting into the air and exploding into a fine mist. I laugh in pleasure at the sight. 

"I haven't heard you laugh like that in years." 

I turn to face the gravelly voice of my friend Tephin. 

He stands on the front porch of the house in the water, carrying his old, wizened face with a smith. 

"Tephin!" I bring both of my hands down to face the water again. This time, I pump out even more of my magic reserve. It spills out of me in controlled pools forming at my feet. I sweep my arms forward and the water lifts, propelling me forward. I soar through the air, landing adeptly on the porch beside Tephin. 

He laughs as we briefly embrace with a few caring pats on each other's backs. 

"Glad to see you found my map." 

"Yes, and I followed it, too. No thanks to you." I give him a teasing smile as I hold up the map. "It's like you wrote this in Elvish."

"Well, I didn't want just anyone to be able to find me." 

I look at the house. "What is this place?"

Tephin tenderly lays a hand on a wooden plank making up the exterior of the house. "This is my treasure." 

"Your...treasure?" The euphoric feeling dips in my chest. I thought I was going to find something big, something I could use to change the lives of everyone back home. 

"Exactly. It's locked using magic so there are only a few of us that can enter. It's quiet. It's remote. It has beautiful scenery." He gestures to his surroundings and that's when he sees my face. "What's wrong? You don't like it?" 

"No, it's great. I just thought I was going to find something different." I shrug, trying to appear nonchalant. 

"Oh, Mateo..." Tephin shakes his head and looks off into the distance. "I thought you learned this lesson a long time ago." He looks back at me. His face is serious again, looking like the man I've always known. "There is no easy fix for the trials that burden our loved ones back home. We live in a world where Magic can seemingly perform miracles, but even Magic can't fix it. What's the first rule of magic, Mateo?"

I sigh and repeat the phrase I know all too well. "Magic is a part of nature and, like all things in nature, it has limitations and rules." 

Tephin nods. "Exactly. There is no hidden, special treasure that you'll find in the sand. There is no fix-all Magic spell." He places his hand on my shoulder. "But there is still hope. There are little things that we can do for individuals each day." He moves his hand off my shoulder and pulls out a small seed from his pocket. "We can give someone the power to help themselves. Then, if they take that power and use it as intended..." The seed splits open and a small stem breaks from it. "...that's how the world changes. Bit by bit." He lifts his hand and lets the wind carry it away. "You have the gift of Magic, Mateo. You have more ability to help someone than almost anyone else." He smiles and looks out toward the ocean again. "You just have to take care of yourself, first."  

I nod slowly as I finally realize why we're here. "Tephin, how long have you owned this house?"

Without looking at me, he keeps his smile. "About fifteen years. Built it myself." 

I have known Tephin as a homeless street Urchin for most of my life. He had a home all this time and yet he has spent years with those less fortunate than him. Building them up. Giving them strength. This house is his treasure because it's his chance to take care of himself every now and then. 

Tephin gives me a wink. "Come on in. I caught some fish this morning. I'll teach you how to gut it so it's edible."  

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