Dandelions - 1

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Inspired by the song, "Dandelions" by Ruth B :)

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Atsumu stared at the group in front of him. He knew he had to do it-- not exactly, but if he wasn't going to do it today, then when?

He took a deep breath, deciding it was finally the day.




"Maybe it's the way you say my name"

"Tobio-kun. I already told you, you can call me Atsumu." The second year told the crow who was looking down. Kageyama didn't know why, but he feels embarrassed  when he calls the fox, using his first name. He always calls their captain by his first name, so what's the difference with Atsumu? Then again, almost all of their members are calling Sawamura by his first name, but they're adding a "-san" in the end.

Oh wait.

"C'mon Tobio-kun. Is it really that hard?" The older pouted.

"No! It's just that--- I'm not used to it." The crow replied, looking down so that his face wouldn't be seen. He was already red, considering how embarrassed he was in this situation, despite it's only the two of them in the hallway.

"Oh." Atsumu said, simply. "However, I won't let you go to the vending machine if you don't say it."

Kageyama's eyes widened as he looked at the fox in front of him. He wouldn't dare, would he? At this point, he didn't care anymore if he would get embarrassed, all he wanted was to go to the vending machine and get milk. However, he decided to greet this Miya who happened to be coming this way, at this time. Most of the players, as well as coaches were already in their rooms.

"A-Atsumu..." He hesitantly whispered quietly. Finally, the Miya smiled, but pretended he didn't hear it. Besides, it was too quiet. He wanted to hear his first name being mentioned by the boy in a louder tone.

"Hmmmm? Didn't hear ya there, Tobio-kun." The boy said as he teasingly smiled.

Eventually, Tobio looked up, making eye contact with the boy. He just wanted to get milk, this boy was already on his way from getting his favorite drink, and he dared to ask him to repeat?

"A-ATSUMU-SAN!" He stuttered.

The Miya's eyes widened. However, before he could do anything, yes anything, the crow immediately ran away from him, towards the vending machine. His eyes followed Kageyama who had a scowl on his face, but eventually smiled to himself.

As for Atsumu, oh well. He could feel the warmth of his cheeks, as well as a small smile, especially when he saw the boy's actions.
His heart was beating fast, his cheeks were warm, he couldn't help but smile. What was wrong with him?

"Gya! Tobio-kun, what did ya do to me?!"

"Maybe it's the way you play your game."

Kageyama looked at the other side, which was seen by their opponents. The blockers immediately went to the left side of the court, getting ready to block one of their wing spiker---

--only to be stopped when they saw the setter toss the ball to Asahi on the right.

The whistle blew, and the point was theirs.

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