Chapter 9

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John's POV

Kyrie and Damian told me to meet them at the library. I guess they need help with their homework as usual. I walked into the library and noticed they aren't here.

J: Hey where r u guys?

K: I'm in class

J: oh where's dame

D: I'm at our dorm

J: What? u said meet u at library

D: I know

J: WTF guys?

D: Look at the table u will see someone

All of a sudden I notice a cute girl sitting at the table by herself

J: Really Dame and Ky?

K: ur welcome now go talk 2 her

I go to the table and sit across from her.

"Hi my name is John."

"Um who are you?"

"I'm John"


"You don't want me to sit here"

"Well my friends Bria and Sky are coming."

"Oh they set you up with me"

"How do you know"

"Cause Dame and Ky told me to sit here"

"Who are they?"

"My best friends and their boyfriends"

"Oh okay"

"So let's start over hi my name is John."

"I'm Ciara"

"Nice to meet you."

"So what do you do?"

"I play basketball"

"Cool I play soccer"

"You should come to some of my games."

"I will if you return the favor."

"Okay its a deal"

"Well I have to go to class"

"Can I have your number?"

"Yes" She puts the number in my phone.

"Great I will call you tommorow?"

I walked to my dorm to see Ky, Bria, Sky and Dame watching a movie. They all start smiling at me.

"Hey guys" I say.

"How was your date" Bria asks.

"It went well" I say.

"Details!" Sky exclaimes.

"Well first she wanted to know why I was talking to her." I explain They all start laughing. "Then I told her we were set up and we talked she gave me her number."

"Okay that's a start" Kyrie says.

"Yeah I guess"

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