Chapter 6

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Kyrie's POV

"JOHN JOHN WHERE ARE YOU BRO?" I scream. I run out of the dormroom building. I call John but no answer. I text him no answer. I'm gonna call Dame he might know where John is.

Damian's POV

Damian is at his girlfriend's dorm.

"Are you sure you ready to do this Sky?" I ask.

"Yes Dame I'm ready." Skylar whispers.

"Lay down" I tell her. As soon as I'm about to make my move. The phone rings. "Are you kidding me right now?"

"What Kyrie?" I scoff

"Dame John is missing I don't know where he is I'm scared" Kyrie screams.

"Okay okay okay Ky calm down" I say.

"Babe what's going on" Sky asks.

"John is missing and Kyrie is bugging" I explain

"Of course I'm bugging Dame I don't know where he-"

Skylar takes the phone out of my hand and I glare at her.

"Come here John will be fine" Skylar says. She so seductive I can't resist her. I crawl on top of her.

Kyrie's POV

"Damian Dame Dame Damian Lillard" I say. Whatever I guess I'm on my own right now. Damian is no help at all. I call my girlfriend Bria.

"Bri John is missing" I explain.

"What do you mean?" she asks.

"I mean he is gone I can't find him" I say.

"Okay relax Ky I'm coming" she says.

20 minutes later

"Is Dame and Sky at y'all dorm?" I ask.

"Yes they are at our dorm" Bria answers.

"We are going to go get them right now" I say.

Damian's Pov

Right now I'm staring into Skylar's beautiful brown eyes. We made love to another for the first time. I'm glad we did cause I'm really in love with her. All of sudden the door bust open making me and Sky jump.

"Ky calm down" Bria says.

"Hey you could knock it's lock for a reason" Sky screams.

"Shut up really Dame you hang up on me cause your too busy having sex with Skylar!!! Are you fucking kidding me right now. Your lucky she in the bed with you" Kyrie screams.

Who the hell does Kyrie think he is talking to?

"Actually we are dress you idiot so I'm out the bed. What you gonna do" I yell.

Kyrie charges at me and I punch him to the ground.

"Dame" Skylar and Bria yell in unsion. I just realized I knocked out my best friend. I feel like a terrible person. Bria gives him CPR.

"He breathing" Bria says. I sign in relief. Let's lay him down.

"Why did you hang up on him?" Bria asks.

"I took away his phone it wasn't his fault." Skylar confess.

"Skylar John is seriously missing no one knows where he is" Bria explain.

"Come on we are going to the dean's office." I tell the girls. We put Kyrie on the girls bed and we walk to the dean office.

"Come on kids" Dean Jones says.

"Hello Mr. Jones my friend John Wall is missing" I explain.

"Where missing?" he asks.

"I have no clue" I say.

"I'm gonna call the police" he says.

I text John

D: Yo where r u bro they gonna call the police

J: I'm up the mountain I'm coming back

He coming back Mr.Jones.

"Okay that's good."nMe and the girls leave.

J: where r u

D: at the lunch area.

John sees us and he comes to us.

"Where were you Kyrie was going crazy?" Bria asks.

"Where is Kyrie?" John asks.

"We had a fight I punch him and he knocked out." I explain.

"What did you do now?" John scrons. I glare at him.

"Look first of all it wouldn't have happen if you didn't disappear don't turn this out on me" I scoffs.

"Hey stop before you two fight" Skylar orders.

"Well Dame you always piss me and Ky off" John confess.

"Oh so it's okay for you and Ky to disrespect me" I snap. He glares at me.

"You know what I'm done" I said.

"Baby where are you going?" Skylar asks.

"Away from John" I say.

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