Will you be my girl ?

Start from the beginning

- I do

- Rose Natalia Wilson do you take Semir Saïd Hayek to love and to hold, in sickness and in health, as long as you both shall live?

- I do

- Now I pronounce you man and wife, you can kiss the bride

Semir passionately kissed Rose

Jasmine, overjoyed, jumped from her chair, applauding them 

Semir and Rose looked at their guests, with a big smile on their faces

They motioned for Jasmine to join them and the young girl ran towards them

Semir and Rose took her in their arms 

The guests began to throw rose petals at the newlyweds 

"Rose you must throw your bouquet !" Cried one of the guests

Rose turned and tossed her bouquet over her shoulders

When she turned around, she and Semir saw that it was Jasmine who had grabbed the bouquet

Rose burst out laughing, happy and Semir shook his head negatively "No, no, everything but not that, she's still a baby ..."

Jasmine shrugged  

The wedding celebration lasted a few more hours

Semir and Rose started dancing together before finally dancing with Jasmine

Trevor wanted to dance with Jasmine but she refused and went to dance with Rose's father

In the distance, a young brown man was watching Jasmine, what the young girl didn't know was that he had observed her all day long

Finally Semir and Rose left for their honeymoon 

"Enjoy your honeymoon, I will miss you" Said Jasmine, hugging Rose

"We will miss you too, Jaz" Rose said, pulling away 

Semir walked up to Jasmine and took her face in his hands "My little sister" Semir kissed her forehead tenderly 

"You cry ?

- No, never" Said Semir, trying to hide his tears

Jasmine smiles, knowing her brother

Rose and Semir greeted Jasmine one last time before getting in their car and leaving

Jasmine watched them leave before going home 

Later that night, around midnight, Jasmine was awakened by the sound of stones thrown against her window

The young girl walked to her window and saw Dallas, who waved her down

Jasmine was ecstatic to see him, she hadn't seen him today and she had missed him 

Jasmine ran outside

"What happened ?"

Dally chuckled 

"Nothin' happened" He smiled 

"So why'd you come by ?" Asked Jasmine, confused 

"Will you be my girl ?" He blurted

Jasmine was in shock, Dallas Winston, THE Dallas Winston had just asked her to be his girl

"Me ? Be your girl ?" A smile spread over Jasmine's face and her eyes filled with tears.

"Yes, I'll be your girl" 

Dally smiled, he untied his necklace which he tied around Jasmine's neck and he put his skull ring on her finger

"Now, it's official" 

Dally leaned over and kissed her passionately

Jasmine smiles in the kiss

"I love you Dally

- I love you more doll "

Dally stroked her cheek and brushed a piece of her beautiful black hair behind her ear

"My little angel" He whispered 

An Outsider's Love Story ~ Dallas WinstonWhere stories live. Discover now