"Race ya there?" I asked.

"Deal."Bucky responded.

"Why do I even bother talking...go on then go." Sam joked. Let's just say Bucky didn't see the humor as he ran off at top speed.

"I'll give him a head start." I told Sam who was in the process of rolling his eyes. I waited about five seconds before speeding off. I was flying through the air at medium speed as I knew I would inevitably beat him there.

And in conclusion I was right I flew past him and landed on the roof of the truck we were following. "Beat ya old man." I called from the truck. He just yelled an annoyed grunt before just catapulting himself on the back of the truck. I figured he could handle the hostage so I just sat on the top cross legged. I knew I was probably going to get attacked or something but I just sat there.

I heard Bucky talking about vaccines until I heard a grunt from inside the truck. As if on cue I felt hands on my shoulders listing me up. I tried to wriggle out of their grip but I couldn't they were too strong. So I flicked my legs up with momentum and pushed them forward sending both of us to the floor. I wanted to avoid using my powers as much as possible to limit the chance of casualties. Luckily before I hit the floor I rolled out the way so I wouldn't be crushed. I climbed up and kicked him right in the face. "Stay there." I demanded. "Please."

Eventually Bucky joined me on the second trick I was on and unfortunately the person I told to stay down got back up. The asshole. At the same time as Bucky another person jumped onto the truck. This bitches were definitely not normal. Well nothing is but you get what I mean.

Two of the freakishly strong people grabbed hold of Bucky's arms while another punched him in the face. I would have helped but I was fighting the one from earlier. I roundhoused him in the face and whilst he reeled back I kneed him in the nose but of course he had to grab my knee and he swung me around and to the floor. "Ah fuck you asshole." I groaned.

"Shut up you broke my nose." He retaliated. Taking advantage of the fact I was on the floor I swiped my legs at his causing him to land on the floor. This time I stomped on his head rendering him unconscious.

"Asshole." I muttered. Of course as soon as I totally kick his ass Sam finally decides to help in the form of redwing and shoots at the 'Flagsmashers' I believe they are called.

The one who punched Buck in the face ran at it angrily grabbing it and snapping it over their knee. "I always wanted to do that." Bucky shouted to her. I however was pissed...how dare they hurt my poor redwing.

At the sound of Sam's poor child red wing's death Sam went all James Bond on the one who broke redwing's ass. He flew in and kicked them into next century and then continued to kick the shit out of them.

"Thanks for the help Sam." I yelled at him staying in my place.

"Seems you had it covered." He yelled back gesturing to the mask covered person lay on their back uncontrollably. Fair point. As Sam was distracting by talking to me he dropped his guard allowing himself to be kneed in the balls. That looked incredibly painful. He was thrown onto the other truck that was adjacent to the one Bucky and I were on and just as he was about to have his face kicked in a sheild came out of nowhere.

"Sam unless you have a sheild up your ass I would say we are about to be dealing with the government." I said through comms.

"Ain't me." He replied. As if on cue a mass found itself on our truck. Well a red, blue and white mass.

"Miss Stark." I heard a voice in my head.

"What the fu-" I stated out loud.

"Please I request that you do not use that language...it's Charles...Charles Xavier...I wish to discuss Iris with you." The voice said again.

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