Soaring along high, salty air currents, Emeraldus takes his leave for the lighthouse. As worrying as it is that he's gonna have to brave those vampires, there's a slight seed of hope that once he mentions the Demon King, all shall be smooth sailing. If their mistress knows him, then they hopefully will too.
The wind is especially active this afternoon, kicking up frigid waves against the sheets of ice covering the beach's shores. It, at the same time, tosses Emeraldus around as he rides in the sky, making a direct route to the lighthouse a bit of a challenge.
Eventually, there it is - just as massive and unnerving as before. The cave welcomes him with blazing torchlight rapidly flickering its flames in the ocean breeze as Emeraldus comes to land. Frigid sea spray dapples him from behind and a small cloud of dust and snow blows past his face to complete the unsettling atmosphere.
With a deep breath, Emeraldus approaches the entrance, senses on high alert for any hints of a vampire coming his way. Once within the vicinity of torchlight inside, heat meets the green Sorcerant almost like a blast of fire. It tickles his dragon senses - must be a magic barrier to keep the cold out.
The sharp, familiar smell of sour blood and darkness returns, and so does a shadow. Soft footsteps echo in the distant cavern, shortly to reveal the face of the feared humanoid with deathly pale skin and drapes as black as the night. It approaches Emeraldus at a steady pace, not taking its blood red eyes away from his face.
"Ah, a visitor," The vampire finally speaks with a voice as soft as fog, but as firm as a predator of the night. It stops to bow its greetings before Emeraldus. "How may I help you this afternoon?"
Before speaking, Emeraldus himself bows in return to show respect. "I seek assistance. I've been informed by the one who calls himself the 'Demon King' that a lady Dracul lives here. He tells me that she will help."
"The Demon King sent you, did he?" The vampire blinks, its expression unchanging. "Then I am certain the mistress, and the young master and miss, would simply love to greet you as well, sir dragon."
"Can you take me to them?" Emeraldus inquires, to which the vampire steps aside to welcome him in.
"Please, right this way."
Deeper into the nest he's led, to a door adorned with rubies. On ominous hinges, they creak open to reveal a cavern decorated with mounds of treasury, from magic to gemstone, and pillars to hold up bowls of incense aflame with bright yellow fire. Bats hang from the cavern ceiling and flutter to and fro between cubbies in the stone walls - some vampires, others not.
A crimson red carpet leads up to a platform lined with the best treasures and the softest fabric as if it were a throne. Beyond that is a wide open channel with glimmering, crystal water like an underground ravine. Mist looms over the rippling waves to muffle the presence of wingbeats approaching in the distance. Steadily growing louder, they soon reveal the silhouette of a large dragon. A few seconds more and it comes to land upon the throne. Piercing yellow eyes like starlight match the splendor of its dark scales, along with two massive wings like the body of a cloak. It wears white on its chest, face, and feet like the pale skin of a vampire, and with long, dagger-like fangs. To complete it is a mane wrapped around its chin like a wizened beard and a  matching tuft at the end of its tail. The Dracul.. it is like a dragon in a vampire's wardrobe - simply a marvelous beast to behold, and here it is, coming to greet Emeraldus with its handsome coat.
He is rather amazed at the size of this dragon - the lady Dracul is nearly twice as tall as he is, and this is a female! To think of the size of a fully grown male… It all surely screams "master of vampires".
Instinctively, Emeraldus makes himself low to the mistress, bowing in deep respect.
The mistress looks upon him with a look of warmth, a smile highlighting her magnificent fangs.
"There is no need for that submissive gesture," She says, nodding her head in acknowledgement. "You are a guest, not a trespasser; That and I tire of formalities - even instinctual formalities."
Emeraldus rises, though still with his chin low. "I apologize.."
Although he can sense no hostility in the lady Dracul, her great size is still enough to make him feel shy. He is in the very heart of her territory also, which can automatically instill fear in any dragon, despite being welcomed. Though it is rather uncertain which one bothers Emeraldus more..
"Is this your first time meeting a dragon of my stature?" The mistress inquires with a curious eye. "You are very uneasy."
It is then Emeraldus finally notices the wobbling in his limbs and immediately forces them to be still. He clears his throat. "Yes it is, my lady. I am new to the area."
To which, she cranes her neck down towards him. "Then do tell me, how can I make you feel more welcome? Would greeting you in tradition help?"
Without looking at her, Emeraldus replies, "I would appreciate that,"
The mistress lowers to her forelimbs to bow in return and greet him back as requested, though she rises again with a slightly discomforted grumble to herself. Giving her head a passionate shake, she continues. "I have lived for far too long to keep these formalities.. fresh. My children would properly do this with you no doubt." She then makes herself comfortable again on her throne. "My final reincarnation is approaching."
Emeraldus' brows lift. "Ah, so you are an ancient Dracul." He remembers hearing from the Demon King that this Dracul has lived for a long time, but he didn't imagine it to have been this long. Being an elder dragon is one thing, but being ancient is another. When a dragon reaches "ancient" status, that simply means that they have lived to the full extent of their lifespan. They've reached their final years after such a full and meaningful life.
Draculs are kinda unique in this aspect though. They're able to reincarnate themselves up to around 15 times before death finally overpowers them for good. Draculs are often automatically called Ancient when they reach their last one, and considering that the average Dracul's lifespan per life is around 100 years, the mistress has definitely been around for a while.
She seemingly ignores that statement from Emeraldus, though. "My kind also tend to dislike following said tradition... As you'll soon see for yourself, no doubt. Plenty of dark energies flowing from you. Even someone like me can see it."
By now, that's the second time Emeraldus has heard that comment - dark energy, dark magic. Yes, he is technically adopting some of that through the current spell in progress, but that's pretty much it. Is committing just one enough to influence one's core magic, in that regard? Is that another reason why Sorcerants are so avoidant of it? Whatever be the answer, Emeraldus is too far into this to quit now, and he is so close to seeing Midna again - his sweet and precious Midna.
"Why do you request my help, dear noble Sorcerant?" The mistress continues.
Emeraldus does not hesitate to answer. "My mate lost her life to the tricky Alchemy dragons. I wish to make a spell to bring her back and I long to bring justice for my mate, and to gather souls, but I cannot do that on my own. The Demon King sent me to you. He told me you would help."
As soon as he mentioned Midna's death, the mistress' expression changed.
"You lost your beloved?" She frowns with a look of sympathy. "You poor, poor soul.. Oh the aching you must feel in your heart.."
Emeraldus looks down at his feet, a frown coming to him as well. "You can only imagine.."
"What wicked dragons to do such a thing," The mistress growls. "Though of course, I am aware of the rivalry that stands between Sorcerant and Alchemy.. Your loyalty to your mate brings a smile to my heart. I am more than willing to lend you my assistance."
Emeraldus grins.
"It is all for good reason," Is his reply to the mistress. "For justice."
The mistress returns his smile.
"And your justice is righteous no doubt in my mind. You may call me Carmilla," She continues. "It is not my true name, but it is a title I shall allow you to use."
Emeraldus dips his head in gratitude. "Thank you, Carmilla. I am Emeraldus."
After the exchange, he then takes notice of two smaller faces coming to join the scene. On wings as grand as the Mistress' a pair of young Draculs soon land before Emeraldus - one male, the other female. Carmilla looks upon them both with kindness. "Emeraldus, meet my children - young master Virgil and young mistress Tabitha."
The female willingly bows her greetings, but the male is more hesitant (seemingly a bit peeved to have a visitor), but ultimately bows too.
Emeraldus dips his head to give them both a respectful sniff and then backs away to let them rise.
"My dear Tabitha" Carmilla begins, looking at her daughter. "Would you fetch me my blood kit?"
In seconds, the young female returns with a case lined with velvet lace and hands it over to her mother. Clicking open its fasteners, Carmilla attentively eyes what's inside.
"Emeraldus," She then says, turning to the green Sorcerant. "Are you willing to lend me one of your scales?"
Emeraldus then blinks with a slight bit of surprise. "My scales?"
"One scale." Carmilla assures him. "For I have just the thing to give you, though it requires some magic - a scale, particularly one from whom I desire to give it to.. but I must warn you, once you have it, there may be permanent side effects."
"And those are..?" Emeraldus asks.
"You are a Sorcerant; Sorcerants avoid dark magic for a reason, but that is also why I am quite impressed by your loyalty to your mate. Are you sure you want this? You may never be the same once it's done." She doesn't tell him exactly what the side effects are, but given that statement, Emeraldus can assume.
Heaving a sigh, he nods half to himself. "If it's for my Midna, then it's a risk I'm willing to take."
Besides, he's already gotten plenty of exposure to dark magic from that spell book. At this point, it's probably too late to change his mind anyway - and already others are also noticing the dark magic's influence on him as well.
Bracing himself, Emeraldus turns to pluck a single scale from his flesh. A brief pinch and there it is, carefully held between his teeth. He hands it over, to which Carmilla does not hesitate to use, immediately commencing into a type of spell. The scale is put into a bowl, covered with essential ingredients, and finally… a drop of magical Dracul blood. Carmilla lets a trickle of her own go into the bowl before the scale is changed. Taking it out, the scale is now a bright, luminous scarlet, radiating dark magic like heat from a lightbulb. Carmilla hands it back to Emeraldus, telling him to fit it back into place on his body. At first, Emeraldus is confused -  You can't exactly put a scale back once it's plucked free. When he does, however, he is met with a surprise. As if sprouting roots, the scale immediately reattaches itself to his flesh, fading back to normal color as if nothing had happened - but that's not the end of it. Emeraldus can feel a strange aura within himself as if whatever was given to the scale had become a part of him.
Carmilla nods in approval.
"Return to your territory. Next time you kill, gaze upon the slain and see what happens."
Bowing again, Emeraldus shows his gratitude. "Thank you, Carmilla. I deeply appreciate it all."
The Dracul's smile deepens in return.
"Anything more you need from me?"
Although Emeraldus had originally planned to just ask for assistance in taking down the Alchemies, come to think of it, it hopefully wouldn't hurt to ask for some extra tools.. A list of a couple of seaweeds needed for dyes and inks, and some things needed for carving without breaking the bones, to be specific.
"The bone carving tools may be a bit hard to find, but the specific seaweed you need is plentiful." Is Carmilla's reply upon being asked.
Emeraldus nods. "I'll take whatever is available, my lady."
Smiling widely, Carmilla continues. "I'll have the Draculas and lesser vampires search in some human cities. When collected, I shall contact you."
Emeraldus nods again in understanding.
"I feel like you will change the world with your work," She further continues. "I look forward to the results."
A mad glint returns to Emeraldus' eyes as he turns to leave. "As long as I can make it happen." A smirk causing him to snicker at the thought of what's to happen next.
Watching him go, Carmilla feels a sense of favor for Emeraldus. Needless to say, she certainly likes what she sees, and would love the same for her young. "My son…" She says softly, looking at Virgil in particular. "He shall be your master and teacher when you grow. Serve him well."

Dracopical Isles: Rise of the UndergroundTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang