The spell is SO close to being completed, the thought truly excites Emeraldus. Soon he will see his mate again! - Hopefully. Though there is the possibility of this not going as intended, Emeraldus refuses to ponder it and let it ruin his optimism.
He sets out first thing tomorrow, retracing the route(s) he can remember taking to get back to Sorcerant territory. The journey is smooth and he is able to return with little problem. Now all he has to do is to keep a sharp eye out for an old human shelter…
Though he doesn't go far before a familiar voice catches his attention, "Emeraldus.?"
Turning his head, he is met with one of his former Sorcerant neighbors, catching up to him on the fly through the morning fog. "You're back.?"
The obvious confusion on their face doesn't surprise him. He replies with, "I have returned to search for a shifter dragon said to nest here,"
The Sorcerant's eyes widen briefly as if they immediately know who he's talking about. To which, Emeraldus implies, "Do you know him?"
The Sorcerant hesitates, turning its gaze away for a moment. "I know a shifter dragon.. but why do you need him.?"
"A friend told me that he may be able to assist me with a new spell." Emeraldus nods.
Though the Sorcerant still remains a bit hesitant, perhaps even anxious, they point him in a particular direction that they last remember the shifter dragon's territory being. Emeraldus thanks them and goes on his way, though before he can disappear into the distance, the Sorcerant neighbor tells him one last thing. "Be careful! I hear he uses dark magic!"
Perfect - this is the guy.
The surrounding woods soon fall eerily silent the farther out Emeraldus ventures into this part of the territory. There's a sense of heaviness to the air and his scales prickle with the slight detection of dark magic. Had he never visited this place before..? Perhaps he heard of it, but was never given the full scoop on what it's all about. For some reason, he very vaguely remembers this portion of the woods from somewhere far back. Could he have been a child? Whatever it was, all such questions lose their significance fast as the primary focus remains on finding this shifter dragon. Hopefully he isn't too far into this freaky land.
The croaking of a raven calls in the distance as the heavy woods creak in the light breeze. There is life here, but it is much different from how it is elsewhere - everything is so… still.. and so quiet… The sense of dark magic gets stronger and now Emeraldus' spine is fully bristled neck to tail.
A sense of eyes… a faint glimmer from below… somebody is watching him…
The breeze picks up as an eerie groan carries with it. Faintly, it sounds like a voice, but Emeraldus cannot decipher what it's saying.
It continues… getting louder and clearer. Eventually a phrase comes out.
"I can sense you…!"
By now, Emeraldus is certain he's on the right track, but where is this shifter dragon? He calls out with a mighty roar, his cry echoing in the mist.
The voice proceeds.
"I can sense dark magic in you… I welcome you here.."
"Where are you.?" Emeraldus finally speaks, eyeing the ground below for a human shelter. Just moments later, and the breeze becomes a strong wind. It blows clouds of mist apart to reveal a silhouette in the distance - a mansion appears.
Emeraldus comes to land nearby, pausing to stare at this humongous human building. It is nothing like he had imagined it to be. Is this where the shifter dragon lives? It must be. Coming closer, Emeraldus soon emerges from the trees into an open field stretching only yards around the mansion. The creaking of gears, the wailing of hinges.. a door opens to the mansion. Just moments later, a figure comes closer, its aura sharp in Emeraldus' senses. It's definitely a dragon's aura, but there is more to it. As it comes closer, the figure shows itself to be humanoid, though with a few sets of horns sticking out of its balding head. What remains of black hair is tied back into a ponytail. Its frame is covered in purple, silk robes and its face is adorned with wrinkles and well-kept facial hair. Two, gleaming magenta eyes stare softly back into Emeraldus' blue.
Emeraldus remains standing where he is, allowing the figure to approach.
"The first necromancer of other dragon kind," The voice returns, now coming from the figure itself. "And it's a Sorcerant.. Of course."
Soon it is now just Emeraldus and this shifter dragon, staring directly eye-to-eye. It must be wearing its human form, but why the horns..?
The shifter continues once again. "I am the King of The Wildmen, or more rather the Demon King if you prefer - and you are?"
Demon king.. that must've been what Slim had been trying to say in recalling the dragon's name. Without much hesitation, Emeraldus responds.
"I am Emeraldus, and I come to ask a favor of you."
The Demon king eyes Emeraldus carefully, though still with a look of welcome. "I don't do favors, I make deals." He says, eyes returning to the green Sorcerant's face. "Name what you'd like assistance with, noble Emeraldus."
As the king inclines his head to show respect, Emeraldus lays it out for him. "The Alchemies have destroyed my life. They took my mate. This brought me to rage on innocent blood. Such actions cannot go unpunished."
A slight grin stretches across the king's face, before nodding. "They have been more nervous as of late, it must be that they fear you. I will give you their locations, but respect the lives that are within my land - people, dragons, prey - everything. In return... I'd ask you for something, perhaps you could aid in some research…"
"I will not touch one of your kind." Emeraldus nods. "My interests are in bringing back my mate, and my wrath is for the Alchemies. ..Research, you say?" He continues.
The king proceeds. "Souls. since you seem to have power over dark magic, maybe you could help me grab them? I have grown so busy, that I have not had the time to go hunting."
Emeraldus' brows lift a tad at this. "And souls is what I've come to ask of you. I was told that you know a thing or two. I desire to use them to revive my mate."
"Ahh, so you do," The king copies his expression. "Reasonable. If you help me gather souls for myself, I will give you what you want in return. I will also tell you about the Alchemies if you so desire. Now, shall we proceed?"
Emeraldus nods once again. "The grave holds the dead just as the land holds the living. A master holds the undead. What do you suggest?"
The king doesn't hesitate. "I want more of them as I said. I could use an extra hand after everything I have done myself. A slight break would do me well."
"I am willing to lend some of my assistance if that is your price." Emeraldus agrees, to which the king gives a wide, sharp toothed smile in return. A hand reaches into his robes and he takes out a crystal as icy blue as polished diamond. He lets it drop to reveal a fine lace for around the neck. "Use this," He says. "It is made specifically for soul gathering, and for gathering many."
Emeraldus nods. "I'll take it."
"And if I may offer a suggestion, if you plan to make the Alchemies pay for their cruelty, why not gather some of them? It will shed guilty blood for you and collect souls for me." The king says, handing over the crystal necklace.
Now mentioning it, that's a fairly decent idea. Though Emeraldus is far outnumbered by the Alchemy clan, it is about time he thought about what to do with them. "If I agree, will you lend me something more? I desire to tear those Alchemies apart, but I fear I alone am not enough for the task."
The king smiles. "I know a lady who lives by the sea. If you ask her, I am sure she would proudly help you."
Emeraldus leans in closer to express his interest before the king continues.
"There is an old lighthouse. Beneath it, she has her nest. She's a Dracul who's lived many years just as I. Find her and tell her your story. For a grieving dragon like you, I am sure she'd help."
Almost immediately, this clicks in Emeraldus' mind. A Dracul? So that's the breed he was looking for in regardance to vampires. And at the same time, this is mighty convenient. It's as if the gods have lined everything up for Emeraldus to finish this spell. He must return quickly to speak to this lady.
With a chip of excitement, Emeraldus complies "I will do as you request and gather many souls. Now if you may tell me where the Alchemies are.."
The king's grin deepens. "They are within the mountains not too far North from here. Follow the first layer, you will find them."
And so it begins. Emeraldus echanges his farewells before taking off again to return home, with new light and new tasks at hand.

Meanwhile back in the cave, Slim makes sure the eggs are well secured in their little nursery before heading out to grab a quick bite to eat. Now with his wings back in use, this makes hunting a whole lot quicker and easier. In no time at all, he should hopefully be back to babysitting.
Upon selecting his prey, he swoops in for a dive. In his claws, he snatches a small grouse. Though just as he pulls upward to return to the sky, a sudden arrow zips right below him as if aiming for the same bird. Needless to say, this startles Slim causing him to yelp. Without pause, he hurries away and out of sight, completely missing the voice of a hunter spitting its curses.
"Drat!" They say. "Stupid predators.!"
From nearby, a man in a cloak emerges, eyes somewhat wide at the sight of a dragon stealing their catch.
"As disappointing as it is, there's other game to catch," He begins. "Though it puzzles me.. was that a lone Alchemy dragon?"
"Afraid it came so fast I hadn't the time to tell," The hunter replies. "But if it was? Sir Allister?"
A wide grin stretches from underneath the hooded cloak. "Then we must be on the right track."

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