1- Seven

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Seven grunted. He got off his bed and opened the door of his bedroom. He looked down from the top of the long stairs and saw his aunt and uncle, as always, arguing. Such a nice way to start the new day! They were Seven's personal waking up alarm. 

He walked towards to the bathroom and closed the door, washed his face with the cold water which burned his eyes. He turned to the mirror to see his very own every morning expression. Under his eyes almost black, his small nose and reddish lips stood.

 He rubbed the eyes, wondering if the dark circles would disappear. Well, as expected, they didn't. He dried his face to his arms, sighed and opened the door. Clearing his throat, he slowly walked to his room, to get ready for the day.  


"Hey there Sev!" Seven turned to the voice's owner. "Hello Six."
Six's voice was raspy and deep as always. Seven knew Six didn't smoke, but some reason her voice was deep. 

"You sound much more depressed than ever. How nice! Let's get inside." Seven nodded as Six lead the way to their classroom. 

The hallways were empty because the classes already started. Seven's and Six's footsteps echoed down the hallway. "Here we go." Six opened the classroom's door as she walked in. Seven followed her.

"Ms. Six and Mr. Seven. You are late. Again." Seven rolled his eyes. Mrs. Allison was pain to deal with. Both Seven and Six apologised and started walking to end of the classroom. Seven and Six were sitting crosswise to each other. As they sat, the lesson continued. 


When the lesson finished Seven took his books and headed to his locker. After he placed his books, he locked his locker as he felt something bump into his head. He stepped back and touched his head. 

"You better watch out next time, shortie." The bully's voice was deeper than Six. Seven looked up. Another Senior student. He sighed and rolled his eyes but did nothing. He always got bullied when Six wasn't around. Seven ignored the bully and tried to get past of him but the bully just stood there, not even moving an inch.

yep there i go with another shitty storyyy. im still writing the next part soo. yeah. ill probs delete this story later but idk. nvm. good luck for the next 24 hours.

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