## jjk boys' accidentally making you cry

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panic activated. there is nothing itadori would do in this world to hurt you, not intentionally at least. itadori had yet again come back from another dangerous mission - yet again another mission that almost took his life. it seemed that the danger levels just kept increasing as itadori continued to grow and improve as a jujutsu sorcerer, and as his significant other watching from the sidelines, the only thing that grew in you was your worry and concern. you thought you could handle it, seeing him come back each time with deep cuts and broken bones - thought you could make a subtle comment on how he should be just a little more careful, and yet, seeing him in this bad of a shape was all too much. itadori nearly pounced out of his skin when your teary eyes met his, all he did was ask you to sign his cast(s)! "yuji," he heard you sob, muffled by the hospital blankets you buried your head in. "please," he heard you whimper, hands clenched so tightly on the blankets he thought you'd rip them in half. "i'm not asking you to stop being a jujutsu sorcerer, i just want you to be careful." you looked up, eyes finally meeting, and itadori immediately reaches out to wipe the tears that spill down your cheeks. "what if you died?" the fear in your voice triggers something in yuji, and he immediately engulfs you in his arms. "no, would never leave you, baby." he says, tone firm. "i'm sorry, i didn't realise how stupid i was being - for not noticing how you felt and how reckless i was." he says, and its scarily serious. you nod, slowly taking in his words. "you promise?" you ask once more, wanting to confirm it. yuji smiles, breath tickling the shell of your ear as he whispers, "i promise."


fushiguro knew he could be a little harsh with his words sometimes, which is why when you first started dating he always kept it to a minimum around you. yet as your relationship went on, megumi found himself more and more comfortable with himself, with you, with your relationship. perhaps... a little too comfortable. he had made another teasing comment - the only thought he gave it was making sure it was formatted correctly before it spewed out of his mouth. he expected to hear you giggle - tease him back, maybe give him a slap on the arm that really felt more like a tap, and yet, nothing. megumi ignored it for a minute or two, thinking perhaps you didn't care much, or were too busy doing something else to even pay attention to it. no biggie! it's not like it hadn't happened before and- oh. megumi thought, his heart dropping and eyes widening when he heard small sniffles come from behind him. oh fuck. he was sure he'd whipped his head around so fast it gave him whiplash, and yet that was the last thing he could care about right now. "you really mean that, fushiguro?" he heard you ask, your back turned to him as your shoulders shook - voice shaky and breathless. fushiguro. he leapt at your use of his last name, pouncing across the room to get by your side. "no, no! never! you know i love you more than anything, i-i didn't think - fuck - i didn't even think about what i was saying, 'm so sorry." he was panicked, his hands fidgeting awkwardly as he debated reaching out to you. luckily, you made the choice for him. megumi only felt like breathing again when your hands wrapped around his waist, head buried into his chest. "'is okay, 'gumi." he sighed, hands wrapping around you as he held you tighter, "just don't say it again, please." he shook his head without pulling away from you, and you felt him plant kisses across your neck in a silent apology. "of course, never again, love."


inumaki is a tease. you wouldn't expect it from the quiet, innocent looking cursed speech user. inumaki loved to pull pranks constantly, and you had quickly become used to them in your relationship - even spiraling into your own little 'war'. beginning to see who could get the best pranks to just becoming who could get the most - and inumaki was determined to win. it had come across his tiktok feed. ignoring your s/o for a day to see how they react! he glanced over to see your sleeping figure wrapped around his arm, giggling when he saw your noise scrunch up at the sudden movement. yeah, inumaki was definitely gonna win this war. you were absolutely positively sure that you had never had a worse day than this. you completely forgot to charge your phone during the night, leaving you frantic as you tried to throw on your uniform as fast as you could - only to finally get to school and receive a big fat fail on your last test, but, hey! it couldn't get any worse! unless spilling your lunch and scraping your knee and - god, everything was just going wrong. you wanted nothing more than to be cuddled into inumaki's arms right now, inhaling the comforting smell of vanilla he always managed to subtly be coated in. which is exactly why you were seeking out your platinum haired boyfriend right now. a wave of relief washing over you as he came into view. "toge!" you yelled, a smile covering your features as you ran over to your boyfriend "ugh, you won't believe how-" "kombu!" inumaki exclaimed, running over to fushiguro, completely past you. you paused, awkwardly pulling down your raised hand that was stilled in a wave motion. perhaps he just had something really important to do right now? no big deal at all!... and yet, it was a big deal. it continued on and on, inumaki continuing to ignore your entire existence as you tried over and over to get his attention. he'd even looked directly at you at one point, only to turn away the next second - and it had been the last straw. chest burning and eyes watering, you stormed off to your dorm, throwing yourself onto your bed as you sobbed into your pillows. seeing how you'd progressively gotten more pissed throughout the day - inumaki thought all he was in for was a particularly nasty prank in return when he got back. he knocked on your dorm room once, then twice, and then a third - and yet he got no response. no response other than the muffled sobs he could hear come through the door. he felt panic course through him immediately, pushing open the door hurriedly. "takana?" inumaki practically yelled, bursting into your room as he saw you buried in your pillows, shoulders shaking as you sobbed. inumaki sat down by your side, ready to take you into his arms - before he was shoved off completely, your angered and tear-stained face meeting his eyes. "so now you care? go away, inumaki!" his heart sank as he finally began to realise what he'd done - that the anger on your face throughout the day looked more like sadness. "o-okaka," he stuttered, desperately trying to communicate through his gestures. you only glared in response, shoveling back into your blankets as you turned your back to him. inumaki stayed silent for a few minutes, listening to your cries as they lowered in volume. "please listen to me," he begged finally, and your ears perked up subconsciously. "jerk. don't use your dumb advantage..." he heard you mutter, and he felt his heart lift just a little. "i'm sorry." he said, and although it didn't seem like much - coming from inumaki, it was practically the world. you didn't say anything, but simply shuffled forward to give inumaki room on your bed - something he happily accepted as he immediately tackled you in kisses. inumaki did not in fact win the war.

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a.n / wrote this as i was falling asleep enjoy 

© 2021 sinrinyoku - do not repost or plagiarize!

jjk characters' and their reaction to . . . | jujutsu kaisen x readerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon