My fangs were throbbed in my mouth, making me part my lips so I wouldn't cut them. The heavy scent of Adam's blood was starting to burn my nostrils and I could practically taste it on my tongue as I stuck it out a little, leaning toward the blood that soaked the satin, makeshift bandage.

I clamped my mouth around the satin, sucking the blood from it. His sweet blood filled my senses, making me moan as I sucked on it, touching his shoulder. I felt Adam's hand on my head, holding me close. I was surprised that he even let me near his blood after he told me he didn't want me biting him.

I sucked hard before sticking my tongue out and trying to get under the bandage when Adam's fingers clenched in my hair and he pulled my head back, making me wince. I looked down to see him watching me with a stern expression.

"You can drink so long as you don't touch my bare skin. I don't want your fangs in me, got it?" He demanded. I usually hated being told what to do, but whenever Adam ordered me around, it just turned me on and I hated myself for it. I nodded a bit. Adam studied my face, then ran his hand along my cheek, stroking his knuckles against my skin. I practically purred at how warm his hand was.

"We'll get to the hospital soon." I told him quietly, reaching up to hold his hand against my face. Adam nodded slowly, peering up at the ceiling of the car. I was getting nervous, though, because he started to look kind of pale.

"Adam?" I asked nervously.


"You don't look so good."

"I was shot."

"W-Well, yeah, I didn't mean... Are you okay? Are you still conscious?"

"I'm talking to you, aren't I?"

"I-I guess."

"Quit worrying," Adam murmured, lacing his fingers together with mine as I pressed his hand against my cheek, turning my head to kiss at it gently, savoring the taste of his palm, "I'm gonna be okay... I told you I wouldn't die." I squeezed my eyes shut when I heard a loud explosion, making me jerk my head up to see part of the hotel collapse inwards. I winced, looking at Adam, who frowned at me curiously. I looked back up in time to see Vladimir and Alexander coming out of the hotel.

I grimaced at the sight of Alexander limping a little, favoring his left leg as Vladimir held him close, nuzzling his hair before murmuring something to him that made Alexander roll his eyes. They came to the car and Vladimir helped Alexander into the passenger seat before he got behind the wheel.

"Wait, what about Ollie? You didn't kill him, did you?" I asked. Vladimir raised an eyebrow at me, but said nothing before he looked away. I frowned, then averted my eyes. For some reason, I had a bad feeling that if Ollie died, things would get worse for us. If his father and brother came after us for Vladimir doing that to him, what would they do if they found out he was dead?

My stomach sank even deeper, but I shook my head and looked down at Adam, whose eyes were now closed. I blinked, giving him a little shake, but he didn't move or say anything.

"Adam? Adam?!" I demanded, shaking him. I looked up at Alexander in a panic. He grimaced and looked at Vladimir, who started the car and shot out of the parking lot so fast that I almost  fell off the seat. The hospital was a good ten miles away, but Vladimir drove at the speed of light, so we were there sooner than expected. I started to get out to go with, but Vladimir pulled me back and ordered that Alex do it. I looked at him in confusion, stammering and trying to find the right words, but I couldn't as Alex just obeyed Vladimir without question.

Alex slipped Adam into his arms again, giving me one last look before he kicked the car door shut and went through the emergency doors. I started for the door to leave, but the locks fell shut and I snapped my head to look at Vladimir angrily.

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