"What are you doing Mr.RaiSinghania" asked Kabir

Vansh clutched Kabir's collar making him stand up on his legs

"You f*cker how dare you tried to propose my lady.I went good with you because of her.I spared your company because of her & this is how you paid me huh?" yelled Vansh

Vansh punched him left & right this time & Kabir's situation got more worse.He was spilling more blood now.

"You think you can snatch her from me? You think she will be yours?" Vansh kicked his legs.

He took his anger out by kicking & punching Kabir.He took a gun from his guards & shot two bullets at each leg of Kabir.The bloods coming out of Kabir was a satisfaction to his anger.

He won't kill him now because he will give him a slow & painful death & he would do that in front of Riddhima for accepting this bastard's proposal

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He won't kill him now because he will give him a slow & painful death & he would do that in front of Riddhima for accepting this bastard's proposal

He remembered Riddhima suddenly.He knew she shouldn't be left like that now.He told his guards to take Kabir to the cell on his mansion so that he can torture him & then he went to fetch Riddhima.


"Omg !! Its such a happy news" exclaimed Sejal

"Riddhima you're settled but I hope I get settled to Vansh soon" Ishani stated

"Hey Vansh is mine" said Sejal

"You two girls can you please stop chanting the name of Vansh here anyways congrats Ridz" Aryan said her with a warm smile

"Thanks all of you" Riddhima blushed

But suddenly the door bell rang."Who can be here in this hour?" said Sejal

"You guys get the dinner table ready.I will check it out" said Ishani

Trio nodded & walked towards the dining table.

"Yes" Ishani asked as soon as she opened the door.She saw an elderly woman smiling.

"Can I meet Riddhima? Say her to come down to my apartment I have some works" she said with a warm smile

Ishani felt weird but she didn't question more as the situation felt genuine to her "Sure,Mam I'm calling her" said Ishani & closed the door

"Riddhima an old woman came to you she said she wanna meet you,she called you to her apartment which is at the first floor" Ishani said

The trio felt weird but after sometime Riddhima spoke "Let me check it guys.I will come soon" she said & left

Coming to the first floor,she saw nobody there.She walked more but nobody was at the sight of her.Suddenly she heard some sounds outside the gate.She walked towards it.

Suddenly a car's light fell into her eyes blurring her vision

She adjusted herself into the situation then she saw a tall man coming out of the car

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She adjusted herself into the situation then she saw a tall man coming out of the car.His face wasn't visible to her because of the darkness.He came towards her.

When he was coming towards her there were sounds of other cars too which just came behind her,she turned & saw that almost fifty black SUV's blocked the whole path behind her & to her front was that man who was coming towards her.

She gulped in fear.The next she knew was the person coming into the light when she saw his face she was shocked

"Y-You here" she stuttered,she can tell that the person right in front of her is burning in rage.

"Why? Were you expecting someone else to come ? Were you expecting Kabir to come" Vansh clenched his jaw & towered her

"Tch sweetheart are you afraid ? No I won't do any harm to you but you know what" he placed a sinister smile in his face "your mistake will be paid off by someone who is very dear to you" he said looking straight into her eyes with his red bloodshot ones.

The next she can remember was Vansh running his fingers over her neck doing something then she fell unconscious.

Vansh saw her unconscious body lying under his arms.He softened a bit."I never took any outsider to my mansion but I will take you now.I will cage you now & I will make sure that you can't find a single way to run away from me" he said & lifted her taking to his car.He laid her at the front seat & drove to his mansion


Meanwhile the old woman thought that she has done the best thing in her life because few minutes ago,a person came to her & pleaded "Mam can you please bring Riddhima to the first floor.I mean she is my gf & due to some arguments between us she is not talking to me.Can you please help me"the man said,she saw the pleading eyes & thought he really needs her help so she helped him.

Angre was relieved that by creating such circumstances he was able to bring Riddhima to the first floor otherwise he too would have ended under a graveyard.


Riddhima is kidnapped.What's your thoughts about it ?

*The pics used here belongs to the respective owners


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Till then,
Happy Reading 😉

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