Wonders of the Past

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Ayanokoji's Father Pov

Back then I already knew that I wasn't blessed with any special abilities. Physically and academically, I never excel at anything. But that didn't bother me, all this time I continue to fight with all I have and still lose. I was always frustrated and bad tempered that time that's why people have a hard time approaching me. Even my family didn't like me, I was always alone.

"Ummm Ayanokoji-kun isn't?"

It's a sweet voice coming in front of me

"Nice to meet you, I'm Himura, Himura Megumi." she added

"Oh what are you studying for? You're a workaholic don't you?" she kept talking and talking

That time I'm curious what's the motive of this girl for talking to me, but I didn't feel annoyed. I decided to introduce myself.

"Nice to meet you too" I greeted

"These are for the upcoming tests" I added

"Hmmm? Is that scheduled next month? You're a real workaholic hahaha" she said while laughing

"Is there anything weird or funny?" I replied

"No- nothing sorry for laughing, That's expected for the elite candidate of this school right?" She said

"I guess" I replied

"Let's exchange contact, here is my username" she said cheerfully

I lended my phone to her, to be honest  I thought our contact won't last for a long time but I was wrong. During our highschool days she kept talking to me. Sometimes we eat and hang out together.

"Let's eat outside again!" She said

"No, I need to review these for the upcoming exams" I replied

"Oh come on, you can just review them later. I just want someone to accompany me and also I want to try the new menu. Can you accompany me?" She said with a cute eyes

Any normal boy who sees these eyes will definitely make their heart flutter.

"Fine, fine but help me study later. It also might help you" I said

"Yey!! Thank you always!!" She replied  happily

Moments later

"Two order of the new menu please" she said

"Two order of the new menu for this sweet couple right here" the waiter said

Is it me or her face is beet red, it's just a plain misunderstanding. Anyways the smell is nice maybe the food here is really something.

"No we're not!! You misunderstood, ah mou!!" She replied embarrassed

For years until we graduated, we've been together. Our relationship deepen and we get to know each other. She accepted me for who I am and always supported me everytime. Back then I realized something, it's like I don't need anything else. I felt like I already won. A light feeling of comfort when she and I are together.

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