They were finally left alone.

Avery was on the verge of sobbing now, struggling to control her emotions as she stared at the blank white wall in front of her. Abby was standing only a few feet away, just desperate to try and make the girl feel better in any way possible.

It wasn't her fault Avery's father was dead. But she didn't tell the girl he was dying. She didn't let her say goodbye - which Avery knew she had the authority to allow.


"-You need to leave." The girl spoke in an unwavering tone that put Abby on edge.

"I'm so sor-"

"-Get out."

Avery could never look at Abby the same way again. Anytime she did, she was reminded of the fact her father was dead and she didn't get to say goodbye.

It was much easier for her to hate Abby than it was to face her true feelings of regret and remorse. She was genuinely upset about the loss of her father despite the dysfunctional relationship they had.

Abby left without another word.


Present day...

"His pulse is thready." Clarke murmured, anxiously looking down at her watch.

Avery shifted from where she was sat, moving closer towards Jasper and Clarke. The boy was still unconscious, letting out groans of agony every so often.

It was difficult to ignore the boy's cries of pain, but it was even more difficult to ignore the kids complaining about him.

"Shut that kid up!"

"Can he just die already?"

Avery scowled at the cruel comments, the hand squeezing Jasper's reassuringly beginning to grip his a little too tightly. Clarke looked up to the agitated girl, before diverting her eyes quickly upon spotting her frustration.

"If those kids don't shut up in a minute, I'm going to murder them."

"As much as I agree with you, I think it may be best you take a walk." Clarke advised gently.

Avery considered arguing back to her for a moment - her childishness peeking through - but ultimately decided that Clarke was right. She got up from beside Jasper, shot Monty a soft smile, and left the Dropship as quickly as she could; somehow ignoring the idiotic kids still complaining about Jasper.

Outside the ship wasn't quiet. It was late, but many people were sat and chatting around the bonfire, and a few were wandering across their camp.

Avery strolled past the fire, letting the heat radiating from it warm her for a brief moment. It was then that she heard a scream - one that sounded like it was from a young girl.

Avery hated kids. But even she wasn't evil enough to listen to one crying and do nothing.

Following the sound, she found a small girl curled up at the base of a tree. Her hands were gripped onto her jacket as she slept; clearly having a nightmare. She let out a few more cries, and after debating it heavily, Avery decided the best thing to do would be to comfort her.

She rested a hand gently on the girl's arm, startling her out of her sleep. The girl shot up, the bonfire from over by the Dropship illuminating the tears on her face. She watched Avery in confusion and fear.

"Hey, are you okay?"

Avery spoke surprisingly softly for someone who was a self-proclaimed kid hater.

𝗩𝗘𝗥𝗧𝗜𝗚𝗢, monty greenWhere stories live. Discover now