Suck on that beotches

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Dallas Winston, Johnny Cade, and Ponyboy Curtis sat in a red convertible parked outside a corner store in Stillwater Oklahoma.

"Johnny, can I get a lite?" Ponyboy asked from the back seat. Johnny rifled through his pockets looking for a lite while Dally drummed his fingers on the steering wheel.

"Jesus Christ, where is she?" Dallas asked, checking his watch.

"Who we waitin' for again Dal?" Johnny piped up.

When Dallas had asked Pony and Johnny to go for a ride to pick up a friend neither asked any questions because anything was better than stewing in the Tusla heat.

"A girl that used to live in my building back in New York," Dally responded before taking a drag of his cigarette.

A cop car pulled up behind them and Dallas immediately froze. The car they were driving was no doubt stolen but much to the relief of everyone in the car the two police officers walked into the convenience store.

All of a sudden the door of the gas station flew open with a bang and a girl came sprinting out followed closely by the two officers that had just walked into the store.

The young girl bolted across the street without looking and leapt into the convertible.

"Drive, drive, drive!!" She laugh-yelled looking back at the officers getting into their car.

Dally spead away from the curb at breakneck speed.

Ponyboy gaped at the girl as she kneeled on the backseat and flipped off the officers with both hands and yelled "Suck on that beotches!!"

Dally tore around corners and spead through the city. Pony was gripping his seat so tightly there would undoubtedly be little crescent moon marks left in the leather.

Pony watched the girl turn and slide down into her seat. She propped a foot on the back of Dally's seat and pulled a pack of Kools out of the pocket of her leather jacket. "That's good Dal. I think we lost 'em" She said as she lit the weed in her mouth.

"Holy shit Val. What the fuck were you thinking?" Dal asked from the driver's seat. "I drove an hour to come get you and you pull this shit."

"Awe common Dal, you know you loved it," The girl, Val, sat forward and wrapped her arms around Dally and set her head on his shoulder. "Besides, I got you a pack for your troubles." She held the stolen pack of cigarettes in front of Dallas. He snatched it out of her hand.

"We good?" She asked. Dally mumbled a yeah.

She gave him a peck on the cheek and put her weed back in her mouth. Dallas grabbed the cigarette from her mouth and took a drag

"Hey!" She objected, sitting back a bit but keeping her arms around him.

"Now we're good." He said and gave her a peck on the cheek in return.

Ponyboy and Johnny sat watching the scene unfold with equally confused faces. They had never seen Dally act like this.

Val sat back and looked at Ponyboy who had a cigarette hanging from his lips. "Hey kid," Val greeted, and, much to his surprise, grabbed the cigarette from his mouth and took a long drag. "Shouldn't smoke, bad for your health, ya know?"


Dally cut Ponyboy off, "Johnny and Pony meet Val. Val lived in the apartment above me back in New York. I would sometimes bum on her couch and stuff."

Val gave the boys a two-finger salute, "Pleasure to meetcha"

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