Chapter 1.

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I ran my hand through my hair, I had to the swallow the nerves, what I had to say has to be heard.

Because there is what the media tells you and there is the truth and in this case the media had no idea what the truth was, no one did expect me and him.

I logged onto Justin's YouTube account and uploaded a video confession of the last year of my life, I chose his account because I didn't want what I had to say to have no effect on anyone especially him.

I tapped my fingers along the edge of my desk waiting as it uploaded. I deliberated in my head trying to decide if i was being to cruel or too lenient.

As the idea mulled over in my head I decided that I was just being the right about of cruel and compared to what he did I was being nice.

I stood up going downstairs of my apartment which I know had to move out of because everything reminded me of him, the kitchen because he used to make me breakfast in mornings when he would stay over.

The lounge room where we would have marathons and cuddle.

My bedroom because of how he made love to me. The shower because it still smelt like his shower gel.

I sat on the floor and began packing my stuff up into the big brown boxes. Whilst I was packing I threw all the Justin related items into a black plastic bin bag.

I had made it up to my bedroom packing away my life into boxes when I heard my voice boom rather loudly from my laptop.

I quickly walked over sitting down at my desk and pressed the lower volume button a few times.

I started to watch the start of the video "Hey I'm Tara even though you all probably know who I am. The girl who was with Justin for a year.

I didn't let what you guys said to me get to me but what he did and you guys stick up for him without knowing the truth is honestly stupid and blind.

You are following someone who can't even walk straight themselves.

I want to begin and say that you don't even know Justin Bieber you think you do, but you only know partial truths about him.

Oh and the forgiveness video he posted two months before he met me, which you all applauded him for and said 'justin I'm so proud of you', 'I knew justin wasn't really like that #kidrauhlforever" and many many more.

But you were all played just like myself and this video which will be deleted from his account in a few hours surely will be up on my account and all my social media because he doesn't want you to know the truth, I feel like you all should know the truth.

That Justin Bieber isn't who you think he is."

I said trying to stop myself from crying. I quickly shut my laptop putting it away.

I couldn't watch the entire video yet I still have to process what he did as in my mind it's incomprehensible that some could be that cruel and heartless.

But then I only blame myself, I should have noticed earlier there surely must have been signs but I was too head over heels to notice them.

I felt my phone vibrate in my jeans pocket,
I pulled it out one message from 'Don't Answer This Asshole' saying two simple but meaningless words "I'm sorry".

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