The iron plate scrapes along dirt and rock as Terro slides it into place and descends the ladder. I remove a lantern from its ordinate hook and the others do the same. We climb the steps out of the cellar and enter the kitchen.

Chopped fruits and vegetables line the wooden countertops, turning brown from hours of sitting in the open. The oven and stovetop are cold, and piles of the dishes sit in the steel sink. The kitchen staff abandoned their duties in the middle of the day, which they would never do without a good reason. I just pray it was to hide and not that they came face to face with the Allaji.

"We will split into four groups—two to continue searching this floor, and us five," I point to Terro, Leif, and two warriors, "will split and take the second story. I want the palace completely evacuated, so gather everyone you find. We will meet in the sitting room and exit the back doors together."

With everyone in agreement, we part ways.

My group follows me into the foyer, and we climb the imperial staircase. When it splits, we separate to search the wings. Staying true to their promise to Kyron, Leif and Terro follow me into the hallway reserved for Micah and Borin's quarters and offices.

The corridor, like the rest of the palace, is quiet, and our lights cast eerie shadows on the walls. When we pass by one of the many large windows, I'm tempted to pull back the red drapes and look outside. The Allaji were hitting hard when we climbed down the maintenance hole, and I worry they've gained ground since then. But I brush off the desire, focusing on what I'm here to do.

We stop at the heavy decorative door at the end of the hall.

"You think the king is just hard at work behind his desk as a battle rages outside of the castle?" Leif asks.

I shake my head and turn the knob.

"Wait!" Terro says, placing his hand on top of mine. "This is the king's office? Shouldn't we knock? I mean, do I look all right?" He runs his deep brown fingers down the front of his armor.

Leif scrunches his face and huffs, "We are here to get him out, not wow him with your impeccable style."

I snort and open the door.

The office is empty. A cup of tea sits next to the papers littering Micah's desk, and his maroon jacket with gold embellishments hangs on the coat rack. I crack my neck from side to side and tuck my lips between my teeth as I walk to the bookshelves lining the wall.

"Raelle?" Terro stage whispers.

"The king's safe room," I say, reaching for a thick tome which looks like the other books and pull it down. Metal clicks and slides behind the shelf and it swings back.

My knees go weak at the sight of the five people inside. Salone jumps up from a leather couch, her buttercream dress fluttering around her, and throws herself into my arms. Two guards and a house staffer stand and exit the small room, leaving Borin to continue pacing by himself. He clenches a crown—one I've seen many times resting on the king's head—and lines riddle his forehead. The worry radiating from him is palpable.

"Where is Micah?" I ask.

He cocks his head to the side like I've asked the daftest question he's ever heard, so I rephrase.

"How long ago did he leave the palace?"

"About an hour ago. We made sure everyone had a safe place to hide before he insisted on going out to fight."

"Shit," I hiss, giving my sister a final squeeze before letting her go. "My father and his troops are at least two hours away. We're not in a position to fight and win. And the Allaji are at the border of the property; they are here for Micah. If we can pull him out and let them raid the palace, I believe they will retreat when they don't find him, and we will minimize losses."

Crown of Feathers (Book 2 of the Crown Trilogy)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن