Chapter 24- The Boyfriend

Start from the beginning

I was breathing hard. Closing my eyes, I felt relief. There, I said what I felt for the past four weeks. A whole month I have been bottling these feelings and just bursts with my limits. Opening my eyes, I could see Nikola looking at me, his head was not resting on my lap and he was standing his full height.

His eyes were guarded, I could see his walls starting to form, his demeanor change, it was colder.

Letting out a deep breath, he runs his hand through his hair. "You're right. I forced you into this." He grabs a set of keys on the side table and was walking towards the door.

I was looking at his retreating form, dumbfounded. What the just happened? Did he really just admit that I was right and he was wrong?

"Well, come on. I'm taking you home." He calls out for me outside the room.

My heart felt heavy. I don't know why.

Why wasn't he fighting for me, for us?

Is he giving up on me?

I think I don't like that.

* * *

"Ivory, now. I need you to listen to me." Dr. Houston sat beside me. "In order to save you, Nikola had to transfer his blood to your system." I nod my head. Still in shock.

"What happens to me?" I whisper to him.

"Nothing." He grabs my hand, he wasn't afraid that Nikola was going to snap at him. Told Nikola to wait outside.

"So I'm not going to turn into a wolf?" Relief washes all over me. He shakes his head.

"But, you have the traits of a wolf now.You can hear other wolves thought, you're smell get better, you're eyesight is more sharper and you're hearing improved." He tells me slowly.

"So basically I'm like a wolf that can't shift?" This can't be happening. I can't be a wolf.


"Okay, that's okay. At least I don't shift." I nod my head, trying to make things better.

"But," Of course there's a but. "You are now bound to Nikola forever." He looks at me seriously. "Nothing, not even a rejection, will break this bond that has form between you two. If Nikola dies, you die and if you die he dies. You're like his life line and vice versa. This bond you have with him is much more deeper that the mate bond. It's more powerful." No. I can never escape this. My future has already ben chosen and it is to be with him. I'm never going to be free. "In the next few days, you are going to undergo he-"

"Stop," I cut him off. "I don't want to hear anymore of this. Please can you leave me alone for a bit." he nods his head and walks away. When I heard the door close I let the tears fall freely.

It seems like the life ahead of me is already pave for me.

My daydreaming was disrupted when I felt a presence beside me. Turning the combination of my locker I grab the books for morning period.

"Where the hell have you been?" Cassie asks. More like demanded.

Crap, I forgot. I was missing school for two weeks! And I completely forgot that I made friends.

"Uh- I was sick," I shrug my shoulders but she didn't look convinced at all. "And I had to visit my mom. She was missing me." The lie slip easily from my mouth. Damn, I'm getting good at lying.

"Okay," She was convince and I let out a breath.Thank god. "Next time give me a call, 'kay?" She was helping me shove my books in my bag.

"Sure." I smile at her. She reminded me of Lily, such a worry wart. God, I miss my bestfriend.

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