Guess I Was To Late

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This is a part 2 of I'm Going To Marry You

"Guess I was to late..." Colorado whispered. Tears brimming in his eyes as he stared at the newly wed couple, talking to some other wedding guests.

Illthyia practically glowed in her elegant white dress. It was no surprise that Utah chose her instead of him. She was kind, she was pretty, and she came from a good family. She was the woman of every man's dream.

Colorado, however, was just some druggie with all sorts of issues. His dad sold him and his siblings barley even pay attention to him anymore. He was high half the time and barely afford rent in his small, desolated apartment.

Colorado knew this. Why was he hurt? He knew that Utah would've chose someone else. Someone with their life together. Someone who actually had family and a possibility of a bright and happy future.

Besides, the promise they made was years ago. He highly doubted that Utah would have remembered it by now. It was just a dumb promise they made when they were kids. Kids who didn't understand how the world worked and how much society frowned upon gay marriages. He was an idiot thinking that he actually had a chance with Utah.

I mean, Utah was just so perfect. His smile, his laugh, and his voice was as sweet as honey. He deserved something better. He deserved Illthyia not some druggie who made so many mistakes.

Colorado shook his head, clearing it of anymore of these thoughts. He came here to support and congratulate his friend. Not mope and cry about something he couldn't change.

He scanned the room, searching for the wedded couple. He finally spotted them talking to Arizona and New Mexico. He couldn't help but smile when he saw how excited his friends looked. Arizona was just bombarding the couple with questions, while New Mexico was trying to get Arizona to calm down.

He took a deep breath, and walked over to them. A bright grin plastered on his face as he went to greet them

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2023 ⏰

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