chapter 1: " I knew I was going to fall inlove..."

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Gon Pov

" Hi, I'm Gon and right now I'm on my way to school, apparently its where the meeting will take place regarding the new school year for each student. I didn't want to come at all, but I as forced to come by my aunt (aunt mito) cause she didn't want to leave me at the house alone.  we got to school, being the only teen here its a drag and boring but its not like I can run away right "

  No ones pov

Gon sitted on one of the chairs she found. She stayed there bout 15 minutes, then soon She spotted One of her best friends , Kurapika .

Gon: hey Kurapika Over here. (Waving at him)

Kurapika spotted gon and went to her.

Kurapika: hey Gon whats good?

Gon: nothing much just bored. Didn't came here by choice.

Kurapika: (chuckels) I can tell.

Gon: so are Excited for the new  school year?

Kurapika: Gon why are you asking when you literaly know the answer.!?

Gon: just teasing, of course you aren't.

Kurapika: glad you noticed. (Sarcastic)

Gon: is Leorio coming?

Kurapika: I dont really know but I guess maybe....?!!

Kurapika soon spotted Leorio and waved at him smiling 😏 and Leorio returned the wave with a parte smile, like always. And so he came up to them.

Leorio: hey guys, how are you?

Gon: Im still living.

Kurapika: Im filme as always. What about you?

Leorio: oh Im fine. Actually Im so pleased that you guys came, or else I would be alone.

Kurapika: then consider this as your lucky day. (Proud)

Gon: (laughing) !!!!!

Leorio: do guys think that this year Will be better?

Gon: I dont know, as long as there os no complications I think I Will be just fine.

Kurapika: same here I dont want it to happen again.

Leorio: then lets hope for the best.

Kurapika: you said it!!

Leorio: actually Gon how is your boyfriend??

Gon: oh please dont even start he is not my boyfriend, besides he is just like the others perveted and anoying.

Kurapika: why am I not suprise, you are just too pretty its obvious that guys would want you.

Gon: thats the case its all because of my looks not because of my personality. And my heart is too frágil.

Kurapika: what are you talking about you are the One who falls Inlove quickly and start to give 'em ideas.

Gon: humph!!

Leorio: and that means you should stop being so easy.

Gon: hey whats that supposed to mean??

Leorio/Kurapika: (laughing)!!!!!
Leorio: oh looks some guy os coming this way. I think its a new student.!

Gon: who ever he is Im sure I'll fall inlove with him quickly ( sarcastic).

Kurapika: I know right.?

And so the new kid passes by and noticed Gon and so did Gon noticed him. His eyes were on her as he walks by and so were  Gon 's eyes on him too. This is what we call eye connection, love at first sight.

Gon pov

" As he walks by, I got so lost on his saphire eyes, they were like the deep ocean where you would literaly get Lost. His white fluffy hair males me wanna touch it. He is so handsome and hot, I've never seen someone like that in my damn life, and I've never felt this way for someone."

Gon: guys I think I fell in love.

Kurapika and Leorio looked at each other and started to laugh.

Kurapika: what am I going to do with you..

Killua pov

" Hi, Im Killua and right now Im on my way to my new school meeting cause why not. But my only worry is being alone. My parents are famous models and they dont like to be seened only by especific people, so they sent Biscuit as my representative. To be honest Im not suprised at all, its always been like this ever since I was a kid, it doesn't bother me anymore but its not entriguing. As we reached school, I got separated from Biscuit. I started to walk around, and then I see a group of three people but only one person caught my este, I couldn't see her properly, but she had a long black hair curled at the end with green tips at it. Her skin was so smoth just by looking at it. I went closer to see her face, so I passes by then and saw her angelic face, her bug hazel honey eyes which I find really cute. I noticed her looking at me with carnal fascination just like me. I've never seen someone this cute in my life. I wonder if I can get close to her??".

To be continued....


Hope you enjoyed this chapter please stay tooned for the next chapter. With all love ❤️❤️ this is Sp_4life.....

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