Chapter 8:Return of thunder part 2

Start from the beginning

"You're trying to destroy us."I finished. All of a sudden I was hit from behind. With no suit to protect myself, I went down and so did Blake.

"Have you two lost your ninja mind or something...KAILEY STOP!"I yelled but she didn't. As I tried to hold her off I noticed the wind ninjas surrounding Blake. I had it. I shoved Kailey and jumped over Hunter.

As I landed in front of the unconscious Blake and the others I said."That's enough."I leaned down and grabbed Blake." everyone hold on."And I thought of a safe place to help Blake and all five of us flamed out to a cave.

Dustin and Shane got Blake inside the cave while Tori supported me. When we got inside I motioned for Tori to go help, Blake.

I slid down the wall in agony in order to help Kailey and Hunter stop the monster. I might have to use my morpher for the first time.

When Blake was awake and we both felt strong enough to walk again we went to a mountain.

"Hunter has always been there for me. And Kailey has become like a sister to me. Now they're in trouble and I won't stop till I save them."I nodded."Me too."

He smiled at me.

"Shane wasn't that wasn't us back there you know that right."He nodded."What happened up there?"I asked.

Blake turned to me."Chooboo used some sort of mind-meld on us and made us believe you were our enemy. But trust me one day you are going to be happy Hunter got these powers."

Shane nodded."Yeah, the day he stops using them on us."Tori looked curious."How'd you get your powers anyway?"

"You really want to know.'I nodded."Yeah, it's either that or watch Dustin play in the dirt."

Blake started his story."Sensei Omino was the one who taught our parents the way of the thunder ninja. When they died he brought us to the academy. We knew he was preparing us for something but we didn't know what."

Shane commented, "so that's when Lothor showed up."So Blake continued with clear anger in his voice."Yeah, Lothor.When he got us on his ship he was very happy that we had been given the morphers and he introduced us to Kailey. At the time we didn't know she was being forced to work with us if we had we wouldn't have done it."Shane commented again.

"So that's when you went all medieval on us." Me and Tori both glared at him"Let's not go there again."

I asked Blake one more question that was bugging me."How did you snap out of his mind control."He answered right away."I guess I had a good reminder of who my friends are."And he smiled at Tori who blushed.

"So that's what Hunter needs."She replied." and Kailey."I said.

So after dragging Dustin away we went looking for them.

After a bit, I was shivering and going pale. I was a fire ninja I hated the cold.

"Is it just me or is it getting colder," Dustin asked.

Shane decided to answer."Usually, I would say it's just you but it's definitely getting colder."I spoke."I would settle for knowing where we are."

"Portico Island, "Blake stated. He turned around when he realized we weren't following."What?"I just stared I had heard of that place.

As Blake explained it I just looked out in horror. That means we're sinking.

"We better find some higher ground," Shane said. So we all moved on.

As we went along me and Blake in lead we could smell a horrible smell.

"that reeks."I managed to choke when all of a sudden there was a noise as

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