I didn't doubt that. Although she was wild, Beth can make anything fun. Which works with our friendship since I can be a bit dull sometimes.

"Fine. But I'm only accommodating this party, you're arranging everything." I gave in.

Beth squealed gleefully, clapping her hands together. "I can't wait!"

The day went by quickly as usual, and soon enough we were halfway through the day. Lunch was coming to an end and students were starting to trickle in from the canteen.

Our Maths teacher came in with a sour looking face and I can already smell trouble from a mile away.

This teacher made Maths a living hell for all of us. It wasn't a pleasant subject for me in the first place and having this teacher teaching the subject was like the unpleasant dung on top.

"Go to your seats. NOW!" He practically yelled to everyone, slamming his books down on the teacher's desk.

Everyone scurried to their seats and Beth grumbled under her breath, "Well someone's got their panties in a twist today."

I nudged her lightly with my elbow, worried that the teacher might hear her and call her out.

"Alexander West! Stop drinking! No drinking in my classroom!" The teacher yelled once again.

My heart skipped a beat as Alex got called out.

This can't be good.

I turned in my seat to see that Alex stopped drinking for a second from his thermos lid when the teacher called him out. I could see that there was still water in the lid and watched as Alex looked between the teacher and the water. Alex quickly made a split second decision and gulp down the remaining liquid and screwing the lid back onto his thermos.

The teacher banged the table and stormed over to where Alex sat. At this stage, I was frozen on my spot, lost as to what to do.

What can I do?

I could only watch with a sinking feeling in my gut as the teacher got closer to Alex's table and snatched his pencil case before throwing it in the air.

The unzipped case banged against the ceiling loudly and its contents spilled out, raining on the students as pencils, pens, an eraser, and a ruler nearly hit several students on the head.

The teacher and Alex had a stare down as I watched Alex's face turn red in anger.

This is not good.

Alex was a laid back dude most of the time unless someone deliberately picks on him. When that happens, well let's just say we all should be prepared for when hell breaks loose.

I was already on the edge of my seat, my fingernails digging into the flesh of my palm as I clenched my hands into fists tighter than I've ever done so before.

I started gnawing on my bottom lip out of habit as I watched the teacher order Alex to stand up.

From the corner of my eyes, I caught sight of his clenched fist as if he was ready to punch the teacher.

"He's gonna punch the teacher anytime now," I muttered under my breath. I turned to Beth, at a loss.

"Look at his fists, his barely holding himself back." I said to her in a hushed and panicked whisper.

Beth only shook her head, looking as clueless as I was over what to do.

I remembered the story Alex told me of how his older brother punched his locker open because he lost his key and got frustrated. His brother's knuckles had been covered with blood but his punch was so powerful that the locker actually gave out under the force and popped open.

Played By My Best FriendWhere stories live. Discover now