Chapter 2

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Two years ago

"Em! Wait up!"

I turned around and saw Beth waving from the end of the hall.

Elizabeth Harrison, the perfect strutting epitome of exotic beauty. She inherited most of her mother's genes, which she has numerously thanked God for. The only thing she inherited from her father was the brunette wavy hair that she always ties up in a high ponytail.

Her skin tone was sun kissed from all the sun bathing she insists on doing during summer vacation. Aside from her ability to get tanned, her eyes were a dead giveaway that she had Asian blood in her.

Soon turning 17, puberty had hit Beth like a truck. Her chubby cheeks were gone and her features became sharper as time went by. She would often complain about how squarish her face looks but her square jawline complemented her features.

Beth and I have been friends since we were in diapers and she was the closest friend I had.

I smiled, waving back at her to make her hurry up.

"We're gonna be late, 快一点儿啊!" (hurry up)

"还有十分钟 (There's still ten minutes left), calm your tits!"

I rolled my eyes at her, ever the chill brat that she is.

Sometimes I wonder if she still feels that sense of urgency. An earthquake might happen one day and I can just see her taking her time to get out of the building like there isn't a life-threatening danger happening.

Beth and I were two of the very few asians in our school, so once one of us speaks in Mandarin, the entire school could probably pinpoint who was having the conversation.

Once Beth caught up with me, I handed her my notes. It was already open on the page we were having a quiz on today.

Beth beamed at it and gave me a peck on the cheek. "Do you know how much I love you?" She squealed.

I rolled my eyes once more, wiping my cheek to get rid of her cooties.

"Yeah, of course you love me. No, you better love me." I joked.

Beth hummed, already flipping through the pages of my notebook.

I hooked our arm together and guided her through the sea of students. I pulled her out of the way as one of the kids barreled past us and half dragged her along to class.

Once we got there safely, I untangled our arms and sat at my usual seat as Beth continued to read through my notes and settled in her seat a few rows down.

As class started, the teacher shut the door and started distributing the quiz papers and we started racking our brain for the answers to the 10 questions given to us on the chapter we did last week.

After we did the quiz, class went on for another hour before we had a five minute break until the another teacher comes in for the next class.

"God, your notes are a lifesaver!"

I smirked, raising an eyebrow at her.

"Okay, alright, you're a lifesaver," Beth corrected herself, returning my notebook to me.

Just then, Joey, one of our classmates, stopped by my desk.

"Hey Kate, did you finish the Bio homework from last week? I forgot to do mine." He gave me a sheepish smile.

I nodded, taking my book from under my desk and passing it to him.

"Thanks so much, just give me 10 minutes." He took the book and dashed to his table to start copying my answers.

Played By My Best FriendWhere stories live. Discover now