Chapter 5

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I am back with a new chapter. I hope you all enjoy it. Thank you so much for all the comments on our story.


Raavi was feeling restless. She doesn't know what is going to happen now. Sitting idle in the bridal room, she prayed god to not let this marriage happen at any cost. She doesn't want her or Dev to suffer for the whole lifetime. Yeah, that girl Rishita too. She face palmed for forgetting about her again. Well, she came to know her existence only today, but it seems Dev forgot about her even though they love each other for a long time now. Actually, it's been two years now. Shiva narrated their love story while coming in the auto. Shiva!

She felt butterflies in her stomach thinking about him. Why she is feeling suddenly different about him comparing yesterday? He is still the same – hot and handsome! What the...? Yes, it's not like that he suddenly changed into some attractive champ overnight. He always looks dashing. Not only him, the whole pandya nivas is filled with handsome hunks as per the gossip group of Somnath. Girls are standing in queue to get marry into that family. Pandya brothers are quite popular. But, they are just fan girls with silly love assumptions. OMG! She too assumed Dev loving her. Is she too a fan girl? Is that why she could easily move on from Dev's truth like moving on from a K-drama crush? Maybe, yes. If she had truly loved Dev, she should be hanging from the fan above now. But, she is sitting cool praying god to stop this marriage somehow and escape her from the lifelong blame from Dev and Rishita.

She looked up and shivered. Oh no, from what she heard from Shiva in the auto, this Rishita seems to be a passionate one. What if she does something silly? She got terrified thinking about it. She could not forgive herself if anything like that happens just because of her carelessness.

She quickly called Shiva and he cut the call. Why is he not attending her call? She called again and he cut that too. Can't he even give her an update? She thought they are together in this so called 'marriage masterplan'. She called once more and he cut that down too. She got angry now. It's not like she is dying to talk with him. She simply needs to get some information about Rishita's welfare. She called him for the fourth time and the outcome is same. She is at the Peak of Anger Mountain now and ready to even kill Shiva if he is right in front of her now. In the event that the call goes unanswered, she could endure. But, he is cutting her call delibrately. If he is able to cut the call, then why doesn't he just attend for few seconds and save her from this restlessness. She decided to call him for the last time and if he doesn't answer then she is going to block his number this time. She made the call and it got cut too, but with a message. She opened it and her jaw dropped.

'If you call me one more time, I will block your number.'

Wow, out thought matches. Before analyzing why she is giggling on this thought, she got another message.

'You don't want to get rejected and blocked on the same day. Do you? :P'

She gasped. She could not believe his audacity. He is not a human at all. Doesn't he feel any sympathy towards her? How could he send me a tongue out smiley or any other smiley for that matter? Maybe she is not looking pity enough. After all, she is the most beautiful girl in the whole somnath as rightly said by Shiva smiling widely at her. She blushed at the memory.

She ran and stood before the mirror. She gasped. This is the first time she is looking at her reflection after the fiasco. OMG! She looks horrible. Her hair is a total mess from all the shawl wrappings over her head and her clothes are untidy because unlike the movie heroines who comfortably fall over the bed, she fell in the mud floor. One of her necklace is missing too. If she had any little hope for mausi sparing her life on stoping this marriage, she lost it all now. Her mausi is very fond of jewels and anything materialistic. She is definetly not going to forgive Raavi for losing a valuable jewel. Where she had lost it? Is it the auto or behind the Pandya house? She almost called Shiva to check around his home, but don't want to take risk of him blocking her. She knows very well how adamant he can be. And also, she really needs to sort out her priorities.

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