Beth sighed as she stared at me.

"What?" I asked her, taking out my books for the next class.

"If only I had your brain. I'd charge them 20 bucks for every page they copy. I'll be rich in no time." Beth shook her head.

"20 bucks? Are you crazy? That's way too high." I gave her a funny look.

"You're just too nice." She snapped, sticking her tongue out at me.

I laughed, "Real mature, Beth. What are you? Six?"

"Seriously, though. You're too nice, you're making me look corrupt." Beth said in an accusing tone.

I snickered, "You are corrupt."

Beth mock gasped, covering her mouth with a hand, "How could you.."

Then she pursed her lips and shrugged. "That's true, though. I am corrupt."

I looked at her in amusement.

"So, birthday girl... Are you going to celebrate this year?" Beth asked.

I shrugged. I'm not particularly good at throwing parties. Decorating, event organizing and deciding who to invite are all too overwhelming for me to do. In short, I'm just too indecisive to do any of the things I just mentioned.

"I don't know. I mean, if you want to invite some people to come over my house and celebrate, I don't mind. We can just have a pool party." I said absentmindedly.

"Really?" Beth perked up at the authority I was giving her.

I nodded.

"Yep, do whatever you want."

Beth clapped her hands together gleefully and gave my arm a light punch.

"Be ready for the best birthday party of your life! Don't worry, I'll make this year a special one for you," Beth wiggled her eyes at me, causing me to draw my eyebrows together. But I can't help the laugh that escaped me at how ridiculous her eyebrows look when she wiggled it.

Unlike myself, Beth is always up for throwing parties. I didn't know where she learnt it from since  we've only been invited to a handful of small get-togethers.

But I had to give it to Beth, she worked quick.

By the end of the day, one of the popular kids were already approaching me to ask about the birthday party I was apparently throwing.

"Hey Em, are you really having a pool party tomorrow?" Alex asked, stopping by my locker to talk to me.

"Um, yeah, I suppose so."

Today was Friday so Beth probably told everyone that the party was going to be tomorrow.

"Who are you inviting?" Alex asked again.

"Um, knowing Beth? Probably the entire grade."

Alex's eyes seemed to light up at my answer.

"Really? Do you think everyone's going to come?" He asked.

At this point I was giving him a funny look, "I don't know, maybe? Why?"

Alex gave me a grin and gave the locker beside mine a pat.

"No reason, I'll see you tomorrow then. Thanks for the invite!" Alex winked before turning around and walking away with a spring in his step.

The funny look I was sporting stayed on my face as I watched him practically skip away.

What was that about?

I shook my head and put away my books into my locker, exchanging them with the ones that we have assignments on and putting them inside my bag.

Played By My Best FriendWhere stories live. Discover now