"I know my dear. We will have to get a security guard right away."

Hana felt her stomach sink.

So this would be her life now. The news reporting on her, strange people sneaking around her trying to get her picture, being needed to be guarded by officers?!

It was too much.


Houssam stood next to Freddy, waiting in line to pay his respects to Mrs. Hoffman. He was wearing his best black tuxedo, had his hair slicked back into a ponytail, and looked his best. But inside, he was a mess. He couldn't believe Coach was gone, he was such a great man, and had had faith in Houssam when no one else did.

He also wanted to get back to Hana as soon as possible. His heart was hurting to be near her, and as lovesick as it sounded, it was true. All he could think about the entire flight was how much he loved her. He loved her first and foremost as a part of his family. Then as his confidante and friend. But now he was beginning to see her in a new light, as the woman he wanted by his side forever, and while he couldn't exactly say he was in love with her romantically, he was getting there.

As his two teammates in front of them stepped forward to greet Mrs. Hoffman, he pulled out his phone, rereading Hana's last text.

Be strong Houssam. I'm here for you if you need me.

It was simple and short, but just what Houssam needed, and as Freddy nudged him, he put his phone in his pocket, and stepped forward.

Freddy bent to hug Mrs. Hoffman, but Houssam merely nodded at her, placing a hand over his heart.

"I am very sorry to hear what happened Mrs. Hoffman. Coach was like a father figure to all of us, and he will be greatly missed." Houssam said, and the elderly lady smiled at him.

"Thank you Houssam. You know Coach always spoke about you. You were his star, his pride and joy." She turned to look at Freddy. "We weren't blessed to have any children of our own, but whenever anyone asked him how many kids he had, he always answered, quite proudly, that he had twelve. He loved all of you so much."

Houssam swallowed around the lump in his throat, trying to ignore the prickling of tears in the back of his eyes. Tough men didn't cry.

Tough men didn't cry...

Oh shoot now he was crying!

As he and Freddy moved off to the side to allow another teammate to pay their respects, Freddy turned to him, giving him a small smile.

"It's pretty awful isn't it?"

Houssam sighed, and raked a hand through his hair before folding his arms across his chest, watching as Mrs. Hoffman burst into tears as she hugged Eric Brown, the player who had been closest to Coach.

"Yeah it is."

"I need to tell you something Shaykh."

Houssam turned towards his friend in concern.

"What's wrong?"

Freddy shifted uncomfortably.

"I've been in negotiations to transfer to the Rockets."

Houssam's eyebrows lifted in surprise.

"You're moving to Houston!?"

Freddy nodded.

"Yeah. I start in the new season. The only thing that had been holding me back on the Lakers was you and Coach, and well Coach is gone now."

"What about me?" Houssam asked, and Freddy gave him a smile.

Twice Upon Qadr - A Shot At Love **EDITING** Where stories live. Discover now