Aami's wing might be damaged but we considered him lucky, even though his mother rejected him once we started taking care of him. At first, I was helping Tina because I felt bad for the little guy and I was hoping that he'll make it but he grew on me so quickly. With his fire-coughing and his playfulness and his green eyes. He was perfect.

"I don't know, Charlie. His wing is still underdeveloped and even though it's growing slowly it's still not even close to where it should be for his age." Tina's face was creased in a sad expression.

I know she cared for him just as much as I did.

"I'll be here every day until I'll be able to take you flying." I turned back to Aami and whispered to him.

"He's lucky to have you." Tina stepped closer to us and placed her hand on my shoulder. "You'll make a great dad one day."

"Thanks," I murmured.

"Oh, I almost forgot!" I stood up and reached for the bag I brought with me. "I got you some fresh chicken blood and 10 bottles of brandy. I know it's not much but..."

"It'll do until the next supply crate tomorrow. Thank you, Charlie." She took the bag from me with a smile on her face.

She took out one bottle and a bag of chicken blood, gave it to me, and exited the room to give us some alone time.

I carefully took the empty bowl away from Aami and poured the contents from the bottle and the bag into it and returned it to him. I laughed at his hungry eyes.

"Here you go. Have at it." I sat down next to his small enclosure and hugged my legs, placing my head on my knees. I felt so calm when I was watching him eat. It was my new favorite activity. Is this how it feels like when you have children? Because if it does I won't be able to take my eyes off them.

I stayed with him until he fell asleep. I got up and quietly exited the room and went back to the nursery reception.

"There he is. Our Fireball Mother!" Peter mocked me, leaned on the counter.

"Good morning, Peter." I ignored his remark.

Ever since I started taking care of Aami he and the mates from my team have been teasing me. Taking care of baby dragons is something women usually do around here and they found it funny how invested I was. I didn't care because I knew they would never understand me and I enjoyed doing it so much that the fact that they called me the Fireball Mother didn't even bother me.

"Should we transfer you to the nursery, since you're here every morning?" He smirked at me.

"Don't tempt me." I pointed my finger at him.

"Your team misses you." He looked up at the clock above me.

10 past seven.

"Fuck, I'm late for work!" I started towards the door.

I'm never late for work!

"Relax." Peter extended his arm to stop me. "I know you were with the little Fireball. Count it as work." He winked at me.

"Thank you, Peter," I said thankfully.

"If you want I can make this your part-time for the time being. I'm sure your team will be able to handle the workload without you until we move Aami to his habitat."

Did I mention that he was the best boss ever?

"I would love to, but I can handle both, Peter. Thank you for the offer." I smiled faintly and took a step forward.

"Look, Charlie," he stopped me yet again, "I know we are teasing you all the time but it's only because you're the youngest even though you are the most talented. I know this means a lot to you and since you didn't go home for Christmas this year I couldn't help but notice that you are working yourself even more than you did last year."

Meant to BeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ