t h i r t y - t h r e e.

Start from the beginning

"Damn, so Tommie and Reek back together huh?" Aubrey shook her head, they were more toxic than she and Dave and that said a lot.

She was used to Tommie being back around but it couldn't be rekindled to what it was before. Aubrey forgave her for missing when the couple eloped, she forgave her for missing out on the weddings and the birth of the three children that could've been her God children. Danny and Zo had forgave her for missing their wedding and the adoption of Christopher but sometimes you couldn't mend things.

Wrapping her arms around Dave who stood in the kitchen, she rested her head against his back torso.

"we in the ghetto ratatata" she laughed, putting her hand under Dave's shirt she rubbed his back in circular motions. She always craved skin to skin with her husband.

"I love you mamas." He leaned down kissing Aubrey's lips, she smiled using her free thumb to wipe the lip gloss off of his lips.

"I love you more papas." She bit down on her lip, the thoughts ran through her mind "tryna have a lil sex?" Aubrey laughed out, looking at a convinced Dave. As soon as they turned on their heels they were met with Landon, Laila and Leilani with ice creaming covered their faces.

"We did something... but before you get mad mommy, we're just kids." Landon explained for him and the girls, he held his hands up as if he just pleaded his case and won.

Get the hell outta my face Annalise Keating.

Christopher stood in the doorway with his face covered in chocolate ice cream and sprinkles.

"Dave get your kids and God son

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"Dave get your kids and God son." Rubbing her temples she wet different paper towels wiping each of their mouths and hands off.

Aubrey shook her head, she couldn't help but laugh. She wasn't one of those parents that screamed at their children for doing children things. It was ice cream and the food hadn't been finished yet.

"You guys know that you weren't supposed to eat the ice cream right?" She looked between the four kids in front of her. The nod of their heads they looked down at the feet.

"You cannot do it again, okay? I said you had to eat first or you'll get really sick. Now you won't be able to get ice cream like the other kids after you eat."

"Shitten me?" Landon yelled out, Dave stood in the back hunched over laughing.

"Go to ya daddy." Aubrey stood up pushing Landon softly over to Dave who stood laughing.

"Since you and him want to be twins and shit."

"Yeah, since y'all wanna be twins and shit." Laila mocked Aubrey with her hands on her hips.

"Twins and Shit?" Leilani placed her hands on her hips like her big sister.

"Yeah, Twins and shit!" Christopher yelled out. Aubrey stood with her mouth opened confused at the cuss words flying around the kitchen.

"Imma wash all y'all mouths out with soap." She side eyed them, Dave and the kids stood in a fit of giggles.

Danny walked into the kitchen confused "daddy...twins and shit." Christopher ran into Danny's arms pointing at the little family.

"They just been in here cussing. Imma have all they asses sitting at a church service tomorrow morning and they bet not fall asleep. Obviously we need Big G in this house."

Aubrey walked over to Dave her body pressed against his. She placed a kiss on his lips. She loved touching her husband. She was clingy as much as he was.

When he went on tour it was the worst because she always missed him. The couple had been doing so good and it was a streak for them. Dave realized how much he did not want to lose his wife. The moment of realization was all it took. Since the night at the studio he never had unfamiliar women around him unless he had to. Meaning meet and greet with fans.

During club appearances, he kept his boys with him only, occasionally Aubrey would come to some along with him. He always stayed on his P's and Q's. He wouldn't be running around in the headlines for cheating on the love of his life like he was Tristian Thompson.

Milani and Unique walked into the kitchen and the kids ran over to them.

"Glamma! Papa!" They screamed, they always expected gifts when their grandparents came over and each time they had something for them as well as Christopher who they recruited as their grandchild. They loved Danny and Zoie like they were their children. It meant a lot to Danny since his parents disowned him for something he had no control over... being gay.

He'd call Milani and go out shopping with her as if she were his real mother. He'd call Unique as well whenever Milani didn't answer and he needed advice.

Danny was truly Aubrey's brother as well as Zoie's.

"Spoiled ass kids. Aubrey I know for a fact that you were spoiled as hell as a child." Danny spoke up.

"Unique spoiled her ass so much she bought that shit to me. She couldn't end up with a broke nigga. He wouldn't know what to do with her ass."

"As you should mamas. What that tik tok say? Make his pockets hurt." Milani sung and Aubrey threw up their huge rings and Milani held up the Birkin bag.

"Y'all Hell"

The rest of the day was filled with laughter and love. Tommie and Reek had even returned and it reminded them of old times.

She was forever thankful for walking into 1AV. Her life was always on a rollercoaster and after 5 years she was able to get off of it. She had spent 6 and a half long years with the clique and she was looking forward to doing it for life and every day after.

She was happy.

The End.

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