"Butt paste?"

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"Clouds come floating into my life, no longer to carry rain or usher storm, but to add color to my sunset sky."


*Play ...What are we? by Lizzie McAlpine*

"Marley May Rowland, don't you dare put that in your mouth!" I shout to the five month old baby, ready to stick a coin in her mouth.

I don't know how they heck she got it, but she's trying to put it in her mouth.

The closer I get to her, the closer the coin gets to her slobbery mouth.

"Marley" I warn, "Don't make me have to tickle you."

She smiles her big, gummy smile at that. The coin slowly lowering as I approach her.

I quickly take the coin from her, putting it my pocket quickly before I pick her up, tickling her anyway. He childish laughter booms through the empty house, making me smile.

Harry's out running errands. Mitch and Sarah asked me to babysit while they go on date night.

Mitch told me and Harry thats he's planning on proposing tonight, so Marley is staying the night.

"You're a little stinker" I grin at her. I place her on my right hip, walking into the kitchen to make her a bottle and put her down for a nap.

She is a hand full, let me tell you. It's only six in the afternoon and I already want to sleep.

I pour some formula powder into the luke warm water, twisting on the cap and shaking it until it's all combined. All while Marley sits and watches with big, doe eyes.

I walk with her over tho the couch, turning on some background noise on the tv. I turn her so she's laying in my arms, placing the bottle in her lips and watching as she leans forward and take the bottle in her mouth. She hums softly while drinking, her eyes slowly falling closed.

About an hour passes by and Marley is fully asleep, the bottle now empty and me about to pass out.

I hear the door open, keys jingling. The door closes again, soft footsteps heading towards me. I look up and see Harry holding bags of groceries, walking quietly now that he sees the sleeping baby in my arms.

"How long has she been asleep?" Harry whispers, walking towards the kitchen.

"About an hour" I whisper back. He nods, begging to put things away.

Once he finishes, he takes a seat next to me, kissing Marleys head before giving me a quick peck on my lips.

"Did you find everything?" I ask softly, slowly patting Marleys bum to keep her sleeping.

He shakes his head, "I couldn't find that yogurt you asked for."

"Dang, I really like that yogurt" I pout, my eyes looking at the tv that's playing some cartoon.

"That yogurt is gross" My head shoots in his direction just in time to see his face contorted in disgust.

I furrow my brows in mock offense, "It is not!" I whisper shout.

Harry looks to me, his face written in bewilderment, "yes it is! It tastes like butt paste."

"It does not!" I laugh, shaking my head.

He laughs to, nodding and watching the cartoon.

"Butt paste?" I whisper, mostly to myself. I hear Harry softly laugh telling me he heard me.

"Butt paste" He confirms.

The smile on my face never leaves as the sun sets, turning the sky all different shades of pink and orange and yellow.

"I love you" whispers Harry, his hand resting on my thigh.

I smile, leaning my head on his shoulder, his leaning on mine.

"I love you."

"Forever and Always."


Awe, such a cute and heartwarming chapter!

This is the least chapter and then the epilogue :(

But, all good things must come to an end.

Thank you all for this journey, and i love every single one of you!!!

                                    *Nose boops*

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