Chapter 4- X Wakes Up

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In 20 minutes, X's slumber was concluded, as he stirred, shifted, and opened his eyes. He then sat up, and let out a big yawn and stretch. X was up like a flower in the spring! He got out of bed, and greeted everyone that was there.

"I wonder what time it is," he said, but when he looked at his alarm clock, he said, "I must have blazed it!"

He then walked outside and found the path down to the hideout. He went down and saw the sign: "X's Happy Hideout. Enemies VERBOTEN!" There was no signature of the giver, so X just thought that Four designed it. He went up to the surface and thanked Four... and this made Gelatin sad.

"I..." said Four, "well... I..." He had trouble telling his bestie that he didn't design the gift. So they spent time having a quality conversation about the hideout, and they discussed the challenge. Since Donut used to be a host, they certainly cared about him.

And while Four and X had their quality talk, Gelatin sat down and cried.

The End.

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