Huh, who knew these women were part of a school?

Start from the beginning

Y/N: It's proper manners to know your opponent's name!

Herrscher: Sigh Very well then. Since you are going to die soon enough, I shall tell you my name. My name is Dianmu, Herrscher of thunder. Now, prepare to die.

She raised her hand again, ready to attack. But the moment she blinked, I was already running at her. She blasted a large beam, expecting to hit me. I jumped into the and began running on the wall, still keeping pace.

Herrscher thoughts: He dodged it? Using his momentum and weight while running on the walls... he is a interesting human.

Y/N thoughts: There's a second scent! It's faint, but there's two different scents in one body! That means... I'm killing the human. The host... This Herrscher is piggybacking the person inside! I cannot kill her!

I jumped down and skid to a halt, interesting the Herrscher.

Herrscher: Oh? Why did you stop? Are you accepting defeat already?

Y/N: ...

Herrscher: Well? Speak up and answer the Queen!

Y/N: I refuse to kill you!

Herrscher: Why? I thought you would make things more interesting~

Y/N: You do not belong in that body! It is not right! Let the rightful owner out! This instant!

Herrscher: And what if I don't? Why must I listen to you and heed those words?

Y/N: I will free her myself!

Herrscher: She let me take control willingly. And here I am.

Y/N: But would she want you to kill everything? You kill everything, you will kill the person you're carrying.

Herrscher: ...

Y/N: I won't harm you! Not in an eternity! Herrscher or not, the host is a human!

I stabbed my sword into the ground and crossed my arms in disapproval.

Y/N: Your sick sense of entertainment... I will not follow through with it! I refuse!

Herrscher: Then you will die with your choosing. Goodbye.

Another blast, aimed at me, hit its target. I held my sword straight, as I flew back. Thanks to my sword which somehow still held its sharp blade, I wasn't hit with the laser head on. Though, I did fly through a couple of buildings. My battered body lie on the cold concrete. I felt my sides bleeding out, my arm broken, and my lungs punctured.

Thoughts: Shit... I can't let this stop me! I have to save... the two girls!

I got up, leaning up on my sword.

Y/N: I... Can't... Let... This... Stop me... I WON'T LET THIS STOP ME!

I began to breathe, calmly. I had to make sure it wasn't interrupted, or it could be disastrous. I felt the bleeding stop, and I stood up. Blood covered the right side of my face, and over my eye. So, looking over my injuries, my eye was out of whack, arm was broken, but still alive. I saw the Herrscher in the sky, blasting a laser at someone that spilt the beam in half.

Y/N: Huh. Some one capable of standing in front of a laser and splitting it in half? Cool stuff. Focus! Get the breathing right! Don't mess it up!

Encouragement for the soul. I sat around watching as the fight continued. I felt useless, but I still decided to recover.

Y/N: I hate flying enemies. Always beyond my reach or they just keep flying higher. Cocky pieces of crap, I say.

I noticed the wings on the Herrscher were gone, and I smiled.

The smiling Flame Breath user in an all girls school(ADOPTED! By @UnknowingFire)Where stories live. Discover now