"You right." I snapped my fingers.

"Y'all look, he fine." Dayla whispered which caused for-us to look in the direction she was looking in.

"Look at the way he walk, he just look like he can fuck somebody life up." Nariyah said.

"He stand like King Von, he can fuck my life up any day." Dayla stared at him.

"Go ahead and get you one." I joked.

"Brandon gone get on her ass." Nariyah laughed.

"We ain't together, if he can text other girls I can talk to whoever I want until I'm somebody's girlfriend." She said walking up to the dude.

"I know that's right friend." Nariyah whisper yelled.

Dayla was the bold one out of the group. She was never afraid to speak up or do anything in order to get what she wanted.

Nariyah on the other hand was somewhat like the shy one and mom out of the three of us. She had her moments where she wasn't but that's only when liquor gets in her system or if she feel a certain way.

Me, I was the combination of both.

"I know damn well she ain't get his number for real." Nariyah said.

"And did." I laughed as Dayla walked back over to us while the dude walked off.

"Ight Kaelyn imma need yo' lurking skills." Dayla said as she put the number in her back pocket.

"For what?" I chuckled.

"Because he look like he got a baby momma or something." She shrugged.

"Why you say that?" Nariyah asked as she scrunched her face up.

"He seem too good be true." She said.

"Girl, you acting like it ain't no good dudes left or something." Nariyah chuckled.

"That's what it seem like. It's like all I do is attract ain't shit ass niggas." She rolled her eyes.

"Felt." I said.

"Girl bye, you don't even give niggas the time of day." Nariyah said.

"As I should." I laughed. It was true though, I'm nonchalant towards anybody that try to talk to me and I keep my guard up.

I don't try to do it on purpose, but with the stuff I've been through I feel like I have no choice but to do that.

"Okay let it all out." Dayla said as we ate our food in the living room.

"First question. Why do you think people leave out of people's lives?" Nariyah asked. We were bored so we just decided to attempt to have a deep conversation by asking questions.

"Cause they ain't shit." Dayla shrugged.

"True but on the other hand, some people leave because they afraid to get hurt. In some situations people can have that mindset where they think they happiness doesn't last long so they know something bad gone happen, so they leave to spare themselves the hurt." I said.

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