Thirty Three

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"I miss her a lot," Em says as Annie ends the call.

"I miss her too. As much as I enjoy the quiet, it's weird not having to tend to a baby 24/7. I kind of miss the anxiety that comes with parenting."

"You're anxious?" Em asks and I realize that came out worse than I thought in my head.

"Not a bad anxious, but I'm always on edge, I guess. God, that sounded bad too," I throw my head back, not knowing how to convey my feelings without worrying or stressing Em.

"Harry, it's not good to be anxious all the time. No matter the reason, it's not healthy," Em talks slowly.

"I have it under control," I assure her.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, it's nothing I can't manage."

"Alright. Promise me you'll talk if it gets too much, okay baby?" Em asks me and I nod before pressing a kiss to her forehead.

"Do you want to talk about the lawsuit now?" She asks next, this time speaking a bit quieter.

I take a deep breath before giving my proposition. "I've thought a lot about it, and I don't feel comfortable just letting this go."

"What do you suggest we do?" she plays with my fingers, partially as a distraction but also to comfort the both of us during this unpleasant conversation.

"We don't have to sue him, but I at least want a restraining order for Charlie. If he can't be near Charlie, that also means he can't be near either of us," I speak slowly to get my point across and gage Em's reaction.

"That's reasonable. I believe he's in the US right now though, and we're here."

"Honestly, I'd like to get it done as soon as possible. Even if that means one of us flying to the states."

"I don't know, Harry. I don't like the idea of one of us being gone right now," she says.

"I understand, it's important for us to both be with Charlie right now. Not even just her, we need to be there for each other too. However, this is really important to me and our safety. I won't be gone long," I explain my point of view, but by the looks of it, Em isn't on the same page.

"You're speaking like you've already planned this. You didn't buy a ticket, did you?"

"No, I haven't."

"Okay, good," she sighs, "I still don't know if it's necessary to complete right now. We're thousands of miles away from him. Plus, it's a little soon for him to try anything. He knows the risk, because if he does something again, we'll for sure be taking legal action."

"How soon are we going back to LA?" I ask, understanding her want for us to all be together right now.

"I haven't thought about it yet. Jared and the boys are going back this coming week and my mom and Annie are leaving the 15th. We don't really have a reason to stay after that, do we?"

"No, we don't have any plans. Would you want to leave before your birthday? I'm just trying to think of my Mum and Gemma and how long it may be until they see Charlie again once we go back."

"I think we should still be here for my birthday. That's kind of cutting it short, don't you think?"

"How about that last full week of January?" I ask, mapping out our calendar in my head.

"Okay, that would work. You'll wait until we get back to proceed with the court, then?"

"Yes," I tell her, "I can wait a few weeks, but as soon as we're back, we're getting this thing over with. I'm talking the day of; I'll make an appointment with our lawyers and everything."

"Okay," she sighs, "I guess I can't stop you from doing that."

"No, you can't, love," I give her a cheeky smile, very relieved that we have a plan now that will satisfy both of us.




A/N: hello!!! I posted an announcement, but I wanted to add it here too- I made a playlist for the story! Some of the songs have already been brought up, others I'm saving for later ;) and then there are a few that just fit the vibe.

I can't figure out how to post the link here lol, but you can find it on my profile or my Spotify username is the same as this one (harrysxfinelines). The playlist is called "Charlie".

As always, I want to give another HUGE thank you to everyone who's reading and especially interacting with the story!!! It makes me so happy that people like my work, seriously it makes my day to hear from you guys. <3 <3 <3

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