"Uncle Kian has someone he'd like you to meet." Rowan bounces the beaming toddler in his arms as his own tiny ones wrap around his neck.

Between these little monkeys and Kiara, Rowan and Kian were bound to be suffocated to death by hugs.  Or their cuteness. Either one is just as deathly.

"Who?" Gray asks, his mouth in the shape of an 'o'.

"I'll go wake her!" Kelly volunteers the second the question leaves her youngest sons mouth.

"No Kelly. She doesn't know you. She'll absolutely scream the house down if she wakes to see anyone but me or Rowan." Kian warns her, trying to loosen Jace's vice like grip.

"Nonsense. She saw me briefly before she passed out. I'll be nice I promise!"

And with that she's hopping up the staircase leaving no room for Kian's counter argument.

Kian heads over to the tv to watch the disaster occur with his own eyes.

Kelly ever so gently tucks wild strands of her vibrant hair behind her ears which causes Kiara to grin in her sleep.

Kian's heart melts at the adorable sight but he is ripped out of the moment when a small voice asks, "who's that?"

Kian rolls his eyes, refraining from pushing his little long time partner in crime off of his back.

"Nobody you need to know about dude." Kian stubbornly answers.

Kian feels the boy being peeled off his back and turns around to see what's happening.

His father is crouched down infront of the boy, a mischievous gleam that Kian believes doesn't suit the man, in his eyes.

"That's Kian's little girl. You're going to make friends with her and be nice right?" Harry asks, knowing full well the friendly little boy will be overjoyed at the prospect of a new friend. Especially if she's his role model's daughter.

Jace nods his head vigorously and looks back to the screen.

Kian grabs his wrist and twirls him around to face him, taking his turn to crouch down to his level.

"You upset my princess and there'll be no more games of soccer in the park little man." Kian points a finger at the poor, kind hearted boy who's done nothing to deserve the treatment.

"I won't uncle Kian. I promise." Jace timidly responds, twirling his fingers together.

"Kian oh my god! Stop scaring the poor kid they're lovely boys and you know it!" Rowan half shouts, shuffling forward with the younger boy still in his arms, his eyes wide with alarm.

"That goes for you too littlest man! Play nice with Kiara okay?" He ignores Rowan, continuing to scar the unsuspecting Sierra boys for life.

He simply nods his head, his lips turned down suppressing terrified tears.

"Don't listen to him buddy, I know you're going to be so kind to her." Rowan strokes his chubby cheek with his thumb, bouncing him to lighten his mood.

Just then they hear two sets of slow and light footsteps descending the stairs and all of their attention snaps to the sleepy looking girl clutching Kelly's hand.

Kian's mouth drops open and the two little boys eyes light up upon seeing her in person.

"What the- how didn't she start crying? She doesn't know you!" Kian splutters.

"Because she knows I'm her new best friend." Kelly boasts, helping her down the last few steps.

Once they reach the floor Kiara moves to timidly hide behind Kelly's leg and Kian feels a pang of betrayal shoot through his heart.

"Grayson, Jace, come here babies." Kelly calls, crouching down and gently moving Kiara so that she's standing between her legs.

The two eager boys flee towards the cute, shy girl with welcoming grins on their faces.

Kiara backs into Kelly's chest and Kelly wraps her arms around the shy girl in assurance.

"This is Kiara. Kian is her daddy. Kiara, these are my two little boys, Grayson and Jace." Kelly introduces the children whilst the other three adults stand back and watch.

Kian with a frown on his face, standing tense and ready to jump in and scoop her away whilst Rowan and Harry lounge back on the sofa trying not to audibly coo at the pure encounter.

They're going to be best friends, Rowan and Harry can see it vividly in their heads.

"Hi." Kiara says, her voice small and barely audible whilst her dimples pop giving away her little smile.

How did Kian create such an innocent little heart breaker? Harry asked himself, completely unable to see any characteristic traits they have in common.

Apart from their identical looks he  would never have guessed that Kian is the girls father from all he's seen of her so far.

"Hi. I'm Jace." Jace introduces himself with a cheeky grin.

" 'm Gray." Gray follows his big brother's lead.

Kiara's cheeks flush red and Kian's shortly follow, although for a completely different reason.

"See, they're already corrupting her." He angrily mutters, shaking his head.

Harry chuckles and Kelly rolls her eyes.

"That's my boys." Harry proudly states knowing it'll get to Kian.

Kian directs his scowl at him.

"You wanna hope they're gay Harry because they aren't laying a single grubby hand on my girl."

♡ ♡ ♡ ♡

A/n I feel like I had a few bits to add in these chapters and change a bit but I promised chapters and I'm at work all day tomorrow 😩

So, to be continued...

(If anyone has any cute kid scene suggestions for next chap, by all means...)

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