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aizawa waited sleeplessly for information regarding whether y/n was alive or not. it was a day after the exams a few hours of him watching y/n jump off a bridge.

"shota aizawa" a nurse called. aizawa stood. he walked over quickly and quite frantically. "h-how is she" he asked.

"she's alive... but she's in a coma" the nurse informed. "can i see her" aizawa's throat was dry with anxiety and fear.

"yes right this way. she's stable now" the nurse smiled warmly.

aizawa followed the nurse to y/n's room and saw recovery girl sitting in a chair near her bed with a solemn frown.

his child... his daughter... his little girl... he didn't care if she was adoptive or not. she was his baby, even if he wasn't there for her birth, having not even knowing she existed yet. he hated her being hurt.

he sat in a chair near her bed. he grabbed her hand as more tears ran down his face.

"problem child..." he chuckled dismally.

"why you... god, just why... i'm sorry... i didn't save you sooner" he sobbed.

he wasn't one to cry over these such situations, but hell, this was his kid. he wouldn't have cared if the whole world was watching. he'd cry for her.

"shota, don't blame yourself. you hadn't even known" recovery girl sympathized.

"you should go and get some sleep. school starts back up tomorrow. you can visit her tomorrow after school" recovery girl suggested.

shota nodded. he kissed y/n's forehead before leaving.

the next day...

shota dragged himself into his classroom. all of the students hushed themselves.

"you all already know your scores regarding the exams. you all will be going to camp, but those who failed will be taking remediation classes. that's all" he dismissed. then he dropped to the ground and fell asleep.

then he woke up. not at school, no. in his home. he heard humming and he found himself walking towards his kitchen

"morning dadzawa" y/n said cheerfully. "y-y/n" he said breathlessly.

"heh, yup! the one and only" she was making pancakes.

aizawa sat at the table and y/n went back to humming. "why... why did you do it" aizawa asked.

"hm" the girl tilted her head in curiosity.

"why'd you jump" he asked again.

"heh... i was in pain. an unbearable pain. the one that never leaves. if i'm not hurting myself im hurting others around me. that was pain. my life was pain. i'm but a side character in everyone elses life. not even a side character, just a backup" y/n explained.

"what do you mea-" "i'm USELESS" she yelled.

"no you're not" aizawa said. "really? then what purpose do i serve? why am i important" y/n asked.

"you're destined to save people. be a mother maybe. to prove your father wrong. you're important because of your purpose to save people" aizawa explained.

then... he woke up..

he sat up and looked around. he wasn't at his home anymore and y/n wasn't there anymore. he sighed.

"oh! Mr. Aizawa, where's y/n" Kirishima asked.

"she's... at home sick. Kirishima, see me after school. You too, Bakugou" aizawa told the 2.

that's exactly what they did.

after school, the two stood in front of aizawa, their pinkies interlocked. it was a cute little thing they did because bakugou was weird like that. he didn't want to seem love struck and he didn't want to seem too scared to hold his partners' hand.

"sit down" aizawa commanded. they did as told.

"what i said wasn't exactly true" aizawa said.

"just... read this. forewarning she is alive" he said, handing them the letter Y/n had addressed to them.

My dear lovers,

i'm sorry i can't explain what i've done. you're too good to me and i love you both... i don't deserve to have you in my life... i'm sorry i can't tell you... it's for the best, trust me... but i can say you kept me going when all i believe is i don't deserve my place on this world... thank you. for being you. you deserve someone better and i have no idea why you love me, but i'll do anything for your happiness.

i'm sorry I broke our promise, but some promises can't be kept. that's the magic of crossing your fingers. i'm so, so, so sorry. to all of you. i'm so sorry im to selfish to stick around.

you can't follow me where i'm going. I wish we could stay together forever, but I must cut us short. i'm sorry for being so selfish.

my apologies,

~Y/n L/n

"how'd she do it" bakugou asked.

"bridge. she jumped off the south side bridge"

"is she okay" Kirishima choked out, tears on his cheeks. "she's stable and alive" aizawa answered.

"but..." bakugou edged. "she's in a coma" aizawa finished,

then they all got up and went to the hospital.

"name" the nurse asked. "uh hi i'm shota aizawa, this is eijiro kirishima and katsuki bakugou. we're here to visit y/n l/n" aizawa said.

"alright, room 420( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). they moved her last night" the nurse informed.


they would visit her everyday with no change.

one day though, the nurse at the front desk was a little less grouchy than usual.


"hello we're here for-" "the sweet girl in room 420. she's awake and doing just fine. she's such a nice girl" the nurse said, fond of y/n already. they started towards the room. "but she doesn't want to see blondie" the nurse said, grouching once again.

"what!? why!?" bakugou exclaimed. "it's personal. she didn't tell me" the nurse glared at the explosive boy.

"bakugou, please don't cause a scene. we'll talk to her, but for the love of god this is a hospital" aizawa said.


they entered the room to see the girl sitting on the window sill, the window opened and her hand sticking out. she stared off into the horizon.

"hey" aizawa said, grabbing the girl's attention.

she turned and smiled. "hey" she said.

resurrect my dead heart [KiriBaku x depressed! reader]Where stories live. Discover now