eight. til death do us part

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til death do us part


Although she was still apprehensive seeing Toji off on overcast days, (Y/N) had finally reached a peace about her curse and her past. She no longer worried for hours on end when the rain began to pour, content to wait it out under awnings or inside her home, and felt no fear when she put little rainboots on Megumi and sent him out in the backyard to play in the mud. Unless he was on a time constraint, Toji also refrained from leaving in the middle of a rainstorm, providing reassurance in whatever way he could.

Her life was finally not overwhelmed with fear and she took great comfort in that. So when her husband told her one morning he was off to go get rid of a Star Plasma Vessel or something, she had no qualms sending him off with a kiss on the cheek and a reminder to be home by dinner. And once Toji stepped out the door, confident as usual in his ability, the second it shut behind him an uneasy feeling rose up within her.

Out of habit, she checked the weather outside the window, seeing it to only be partly cloudy. The uneasy feeling only grew when she remembered her curse was not limited to the rain, she had just began to think as such after the hallucinations had surfaced all those years back. Her curse affected those she cared deeply about and she had just sent one of those people out into a dangerous job that did not guarantee his life.

(Y/N) knew Toji was capable, of course she did, she was his wife, but there was always someone stronger, someone smarter, someone more lethal out there that could end her happiness as though they were simply flicking off a light switch. She did not like this feeling, not when everything was finally making sense.

"What's wrong?" Megumi asked, his tiny hands pulling at the edge of her pants. 

She had been so immersed in her own thoughts she hadn't even noticed her son was now awake and dragging his blanket behind him. Thankfully, his arrival had broke her out of her trance and gave her the motivation to do something about this uneasy feeling.

"Nothing's wrong, Umi," (Y/N) reassured, kneeling down in front of her son and ruffling his hair, "What do you think about going to watch your dad work today? We can play spy."

Megumi's eyes lit up, but his facial expression didn't change much as he nodded up and down, clearly excited by the idea. 

"Excellent! Let's get you dressed, then we can head out," she said, picking up the boy in her arms and squeezing him in a brief hug as if reassuring both him and herself that when they came back, it would be all three of them. 

In no time, Megumi was dressed and ready to go, holding on to his mother's hand as they walked through the streets towards Tokyo Jujutsu High. It was a hunch that Toji would be there in the first place, but since she had no other leads, that was their destination. Before they went through the main gate, (Y/N) turned towards her son and said, "We have to be really sneaky, because we're not supposed to be here, 'kay?"

He gave her a determined nod. 

With that, the two ventured onto the property, walking along the stone pathway, searching and listening for any sign of Toji. The pit in (Y/N) stomach deepened when she came across a courtyard where the cobblestone was shattered and trees had been split in half, debris scattered around the usually neat vicinity. She hadn't been here in a long, long time, but she knew a sight like this meant nothing good.

The sound of footsteps coming in their direction caused her to pause, quickly hiding Megumi behind a bush and telling him to remain silent by placing a finger on her lips. Then, she ducked behind the nearest tree, cautiously glancing out from behind it to see who was heading towards them. It was a white haired teenager, who looked as though he had been through Hell and back and was still fighting on, and when his eyes became apparent, the breath left (Y/N)'s lungs - she knew exactly who that teen was.

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