Amelia: "you mean the rock concert which is happening tonight?", she remembered the conversation with her colleague from the day before. "who are you going with?"

Lena: "really? I mean, really?", it wasn't that hard to notice the sarcasm of her best friend, even through texts. "I was thinking about inviting Brad Pitt, but he said that he's a bit busy so I've decided to call you. Dumbass."

Amelia: "I mean, I can go get the tickets with you, but I don't feel like going, tbh. I'm working in the morning."

Lena: "Did I mention that I'm not taking NO for an answer?"

Amelia: "Okay, then absolutely not."

Lena: "Are you dumb? It still has a NO inside of the word, and I said that I don't take NO as an answer."

Amelia: "How about the answer - I am working tomorrow?"

Lena did not respond to that message for a few minutes and Amelia thought that the girl finally gave up on the idea of bringing her to the concert. Although she liked a part of the song she had heard that day, she didn't feel ready to be pushed between thousands of people with loud music blasting and her social anxiety suffocating her. A few more moments later, her phone buzzed again. 

Lena: "Done, all settled. You're going with me since you don't have to worry about work. :)"

Amelia: "You sound way too excited for this early time of the day... Lena... what did you do?"

Lena: "welll, let's just say that you're working the afternoon shift tomorrow so that you have some time to rest and David will be covering your shift :)"

Amelia: "you're unbelievable...", and she didn't mean this in a positive way, although she already knew Lena's answer. 

Lena: "IKR?! Anyway, go shower and get dressed, I'm picking you up in half an hour."

Amelia: "fine, fine... see you in a bit."

She was just about to get up and start getting dressed, when a familiar voice and figure caught her attention on TV. She was shocked to see the face of the boy she just dreamt about that morning on national television, giving an intervew. 

"I am very excited to see all you guys tonight. My band members are also very happy that we have the chance to perform tonight in Amsterdam. It's a beautiful city, hopefully the evening will be beautiful as well and we can't wait to entertain you guys!", Amelia had just noticed his broken English and sweet accent since that night he didn't talk much and she was too frustrated to even listen properly. 

So he is the singer of the group that is performing tonight... Oh no... , the thought of her being very rude and arrogant towards the boy who had just appeared on television made her feel ashamed and uncomfortable, but also a bit angry since she couldn't believe that he was purposely ordering from a closed cafe since he was "famous" and many girls would easily do anything for him. I'm not that type of girl. 

The thought of it and the fact that it turns out to be Damiano (as she had seen on TV, while he was giving the interview) made it even worse for her, and she had decided that she definitely didn't want to go with Lena. She was just about to text Lena that she was not feeling well and that she should probably bring a friend, when her phone buzzed again.

Lena: "I'm in the car, heading towards you. Hopefully I won't have to wait for ages..."

Amelia sighed, since she knew that any attempts of refusing the offer would be desperate, so she got up and went to shower. She put on her favorite brown cashmere sweater, black skinny jeans and Dr Martens when she heard a car honking in front of her house. She wore some light makeup, since most of her face had been hidden underneath her long, red hair. 

"Ah, you look great!", Lena had complimented her as she was entering her car. "And not tired at all!"

Amelia rolled her eyes at her friend and then kissed her cheek to greet her. "I literally put on the first thing that I've found in my closet."

"So, is this the part where you're actually trying to tell me that you're not going to put any effort into my plans today, but in a nice way?" 

"Exactly.", Amelia answered while Lena started the car and drove towards the city. "I need to tell you something."

"Before you tell me anything, I wanted to let you know that you would be doing me a huge favor by going to the concert since Arabella literally ditched me, Caroline has the flu and Edgar doesn't like the music. And I really really really want to see Ethan, he is like a dream!", Lena's voice was filled with excitement with the mention of the band member, although Amelia had no idea who that was. 

"I'm assuming that Ethan would be one of the members of the band.", she raised her eyebrow questionably. 

Lena giggled. She was really excited and Amelia didn't want to ruin it for her. "The drummer. The one with the long, dark hair and dreamy eyes."

"I need to Google them, since I still have no idea who they are."

"Maneskin, they're a band from Italy.", Lena said. "I'm surprised that you don't know them, they're literally from Rome."

Amelia shook her head as she was looking at the photos of the members. "I have no idea.", her gaze was locked onto a picture of Damiano, with his rimmed eyes and a smirk on his face. She could clearly see his cheekbones and jawline, which were as sharp as knives. He had a mysterious but inviting look, as if his eyes had the power of taking all of your clothes off with one look. As soon as she realized that Lena had noticed her staring at Damiano's pictures, she quickly changed the subject to Ethan. "Is it this one?", she quickly showed her a picture. 

"Yes, that's him.", Lena's eyes went back to the road. "Isn't he perfect?"

"He's cute.", Amelia didn't want to sound too uninterested. She was doing a favor for her best friend and that's what friends do. 

"Although, I know that you have eyes for the main one.", the teasing had began. "I saw you staring at Damiano's photos."

"Actually... Last night I had the chance to meet Damiano in person and I was very rude to him, which makes me feel a bit mad, maybe.", as soon as she had admitted that to her best friend, Lena suddenly hit the breaks and stopped the car so abruptly that it caused Amelia to feel something that resembled a mini heart attack. 

"Are you crazy?!", Amelia yelled. "You can't stop the car like that!", luckily, they were driving down an empty road, or else they would have crashed into somebody. 

"What do you mean, you met Damiano last night?!", the girl was in shock. "And you didn't bother to tell me that, maybe?!" 

"I didn't know it was him, I swear! I only found out this morning, when I saw him on TV.", Amelia explained. "I was as shocked as you are right now."

"Tell me what happened."

Amelia had briefly explained how the situation went as they continued driving through the city and Lena seemed more surprised and overwhelmed with every following sentence. She wanted to judge Amelia for the way that she had treated him, but also tried to understand her friend's point of view. 

"Well, if I didn't know who the guy was, I would be angry, too.", Lena showed understanding when she received an explanation. "I just can't believe that you were standing just a few metres away from him... Before me."

"It's nothing special, he has flesh and bones and hair like all of the people in the world.", Amelia didn't sound amused although, secretly, her insides were twisting at the thought of him. 

"I have a feeling that tonight is going to be special.", Lena said, with a dreamy look while she was exiting the car after they have reached their destination. "You will have a chance to speak to him again."

Amelia scoffed. "I clearly doubt that he will even notice me within all of those people who will come to see him. After all, I was completely rude."

"Hey, we're Dutch, we seem rude to the rest of the world.", both of them laughed at the statement. "Let's get those tickets and have fun today."

IPNOTIZZANTE - Damiano DavidWhere stories live. Discover now